neither love nor got interest

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Roli & Siddhant reached his house...

Siddhant parked the car and got down from it...

He opened the door for Roli...

Roli was on her own world and didn't realised they reached...

Siddhant: Ms. Roli...

He called her to bring back her to the senses...

Roli got down...

Siddhant: Come.. lets go inside house...

They went inside the house...

Siddhant locked the door and looked at Roli...

Siddhant: Come & sit.. will you have something... coffee.. cool drinks...

Roli: I dont want anything... I just want to go...

Siddhant: That is not going to happen now... So just sit... i will bring coffee for us...

Siddhant rushed towards kitchen and returned with 2 cups of coffee...

Roli was sitting in the sofa filled with tensions on her face...

Siddhant with a smile gave the cup of coffee to her...

Roli: Why cant you understand.. I dont want...

Siddhnat: Ms. Roli.. not sure when you had food... please have this now... then we will talk...

Roli: When i dont want to take anything & talk anything... why you compel me...

Siddhant: Ssshhh... have coffee now...

He gave the coffee cup to her...

Without any other option she took it finally...

They had coffee...

Siddhant: Ms. Roli... Just relax.. then only you will even hear what i say...

Roli: How can i relax... i am not even able to do anything as i wish... it was better if i died on that day instead...

Roli got tears...

Siddhant: Hey... tears again... no..dont talk about death anymore... 

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