Sorry for the kiss

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Siddhant was sleeping in his room while Roli entered into his room...

Roli hold his shoulder...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant swiftly got up...

Siddhant: Roli... did you got bad dream again???

Roli: No Siddhant...

Siddhant: Then what happened...

Roli: oh!!! i should come to your room only if i get bad dream or what???

Siddhant: Not at all... you are always welcome...

Siddhant was thinking... you know i wish you be here with me only... 

Still i am fearing to ask you that... you know why??? some times you behave strange and move away from me.. so i fear you should not go leaving me when i tried getting close to you...

Roli; Siddhant...what are you thinking???

Siddhant: Nothing Roli.. sit here..

Siddhant made her sit beside him...

Roli lean on his shoulder and played with his tshirt button with her fingers...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Hmm...

Roli: I wish to have mango...

Siddhant: Mango???

Roli: Yes... you know so many days when i got pregnant.. i wanted to have mango.. but i never asked you... but today when you asked what i want.. i suddenly got wish to ask you for the mango...

Siddhant: But ROli.. time is midnight now.. where mango will be available... that too not even season to see in any tree now...

Roli: Please...

Siddhant: Roli...ok... i dont want to disappoint you.. thats why i said like that.. anyway.. lets try.. whats harm in trying...

Siddhant took Roli in the car... 

Then went everywhere.. but cant find any mango or trace of it...

Siddhant was wondering what to do now???

Finally they saw a tea shop...

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