Taking care

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Roli was on his shoulders wrapping her hands around him...

Much later she realised they are hugging each other...

She thought that she went out of control & hug him like the other day thinking about the baby...

She took her hands which was wrapped around him and moved away...

Siddhant was confused which she is suddenly going away... while he got no interest to go away from her...

Roli: I am sorry.. i got little tensed and hug you.. Really sorry...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant was thinking... tensed & hug me... 

Roli you forgot or what i only kissed & hug you first...

Its not because of tension.. Its because of love...

You realised we kissed or not..

After sharing such sweet moment..

You feel sorry to hug me.. very strange...

Roli felt ashamed on her act which was increased seeing his smile looking at her...

She felt ashamed as she went out of control and hug him...

She didn't yet realised they kissed too... She was on his shoulder for long hugging him...

The tension she was having about the baby was not letting her to think any of these...

Roli just smiled hiding her tensions...

Siddhant; Roli... now sleep well...

Siddhant hold her shoulder and pushed her to the pillow gently...

Then wrapped the blanket on her...

Siddhant: Good night...

Roli: Good night...

Roli was feeling happy on seeing his care on her...

The days were passing...

One day.. Roli foot got swollen...

She was unable to walk in the office...

Siddhant noticed her finding difficulty in walking when she was coming to his cabin...

Siddhant: Roli.. what happened???

ROli: Nothing Siddhant...

Siddhant: Then why you are not walking normally... Any problem...

Roli: No.. nothing.. it seems legs got swollen...

Siddhant: lets go to doctor today...

Roli: No need...

Siddhant: What no need... we are going today...

Roli: Ok ok...

By evening.. while returning they went to doctor...

Doctor examined...

Doctor: its normal for pregnant girls... Just keep the legs in walk hot water for a while and massage with oil nicely... Nothing else required...

Roli: Ok Doctor...

Doctor: Rest.. she is compeltely alright.. it shows you are taking care of her well...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant: What other important work i got other than taking care of Roli...

Doctor: Well said... All husband should think like you...

Siddhant looked at Roli with a smile hearing this...

ROli too smiled at Siddhant...

Roli & Siddhant reached home...

They finsihed dinner...

Roli went to her room and sat in the sofa...

In a while...

Siddhant bring a tub with warm water and kept in near her legs...

Siddhant: Roli...keep your legs in this...

Roli: No need Siddhant...

Siddhant: Dont you hear.. what the doctor said... now keep your legs in it...

Roli: its not big thing... why you take this much tension...

Siddhant: Big or small... you should not suffer... Now stay quiet and keep your legs in it...

Roli lift her legs and tried to put her legs inside the tub...

When her saree was about to get wet...

Siddhant hold her saree from dropping in the water...

Roli felt shy on his sudden action which was not noticed by Siddhant...

He took care that she is keeping her legs in the water...

He felt bad seeing her swollen legs...

After a while...

He took her legs from the water and wipe the wet legs with a towel...

He started applying the oil in the foot...

Roli was surprised on his care towards her...

Siddhant massage her legs well...

After completing...

Siddhant: How you feel now???

He lift his face to look at her while She was already gazing at him...

Roli forward her hand while Siddhant hold it...

Roli pulled him towards her which was understood by Siddhant and he sat beside her in the sofa...

Roli lean on his shoulder and wrapped her hands around him...

Siddhant with a smile too wrapped his hands around her...

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