The mistake

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He hold her chin and lift her face...

He looked into her eyes...

He again asked her the same question...

'whhaattt isss yoouuurr naammeee'

She now got ready to reply him...


He smiled...

'iii aaamm Siiiddhhaaannttt'

She smiled...

He was lost on her beautiful smile...

She was not less affected by his smile too...

He looked at her lips...

He hold her face and pulled her closer...

He moved towards her lips...

He peck her lips...

She realised what he is doing and moved her face away...

She lay down on the bed and think for a moment what is happening...

Why she was on his chest till now...

Why she felt happy on his closeness...

Why she was disturbed by his smile...

Before she could come to any conclusion...

He moved towards her turning towards her...

His hands wrapped around her and she was pulled more closer...

He admired her beautiful face for a moment...

Then again he moved towards her face...

He hold her lips with his...

She tried to come out of his hold...

But her body was not having enough strength to come out of the hold & her drunken state taken rest of her available strength to even try...

He was lost on her completely...

He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sweet moment with her...

After a while... She was equally lost on him...

He voluntarily give her lips to him and started enjoying the moment...

Her hands too wrapped around him...

The grief got no change to disturb between them now...

Both were lost in each other...

He caress her from finger towards her shoulder... then her neck and hold her face...

He kissed all over her face...

She was equally lost on him and kissed all over his face...

Both were happy on this closeness and the sweet moments they were sharing...

They were getting closer... closer... closer...

They felt like letting out all their grief and as medicine for their painful heart...

When his hands touch her dress...

She hold his hands swiftly...

But when he looked into her eyes and when his eyes conveyed his wishes to her...

She released her hold on his hand and allowed him to fulfil his wish...

He removed his shirt and started invading her fully...

She gave herself to him while he gave himself to her...

Roli & Siddhant slowly become RoSid...

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