Caring for her

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Siddhant was on his bed...

He was not getting sleep...

Inspite of telling the incident was an accident...

Still he got his part of mistake of doing that though unconscious...

which not only result on such mishap that day.. but also the current situation of Roli...

How much she is suffering because of this...

She even quit from her house..

Moreover these physical suffering...

But still she is adamant to keep this baby too...

Why not it is her baby...

Siddhant realised that moment...

It is not only her baby... But mine too...

Whether to become happy or sad about it...

Normally when someone get the position of father.. it is something need to become happy...

While his case was different...

He got no right to claim that child as his or become happy about it...

What a strange situation they both are landed now...

SO many thought flows on his mind...

He spent restless & sleepless night...

He was not sure when he slept but surely nearing the dawn...

But in very short time.. he hard that sound...

yes vomitting sound...

He swiftly wake up and sat in the bed...

He realised the sound is coming from next room... 

From none other than Roli...

This shows she is omitting again...

He rushed towards her room...

She hesitate to open...

But the sound is coming from bathroom...

So he swiftly opened the door and entered into the room...

That is when Roli completed omitted and came out wiping her face with towel...

Siddhant: Roli.. What happened.. you seems to be omitted again...

Roli: Yes.. its normal in early morning when i get up...

Siddhant: This much suffering... night also you omit & now also...

Roli: What to do.. it is all natural happening for ladies during pregnancy time...

Siddhant: Oh sorry... i dont know all these...

Roli: i too was not knowing till i started facing it... Then doctor only told that...

Siddhant: i feel bad that you are suffering this much.. but i am unable to do anything about it...

Roli: What can be done.. it is only given to ladies to face by God creation...

Roli smiled...

Siddhant: Come and sit in Hall sofa.. i will bring something to drink... what you will have...

Roli: Tea...

Siddhant: Ok.. i will prepare & bring...

Roli took step while she was about to fall due to weakness...

Siddhant hold her from falling while it happened that she lean on his shoulder...

Roli tried to move away...

Roli: Sorry...

Siddhant: Its ok... You can hold me as support... come with me...

He wrapped his hand around her shoulder and hold her...

He took her to the hall and made her to sit in the sofa...

He rushed towards kitchen to prepare tea...

He swiftly came back with 2 cups of tea for them...

Siddhant: Roli.. have it...

Siddhant gave the tea to her...

Roli slowly started having it...

She had the tea and in tiredness just lean on the sofa itself...

Siddhant kept the tea cups inside the kitchen and went near Roli...

She was sitting and only leaning on the hand rest...

Siddhant lift her leg and kept it on the sofa.. so that she can sleep conveniently...

Then bring his blanket and wrapped it on her...

Then he went to get ready for office...

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