Sweet moments

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Siddhant was keep on talking while Roli was gazing at him to read his expressions...

Siddhant who turned towards her face suddenly looked at her gazing eyes...

Siddhant stopped talking and looked into her eyes...

He was lost that moment...

Siddhant cup her face and looked into her eyes deeply...

Still Roli was in deep thinking on what is the things going on is about...

Siddhant placed a kiss on her forehead...

Then on her cheeks...

Then on her eyes...

Then moved towards her lips...

Siddhant closed his eyes to feel the moment which he is sharing with his love consciously...

Roli who was longing for his attention and was craving for his care towards her by now got tears filled on her eyes...

The tears started rolling on her cheeks...

Siddhant wrapped his hand around her and pulled her closely...

Roli too forwarded her hands and wrapped around him...

The hug... the closeness was required by both of them...

When their lips moved apart... They looked into each other eyes...

They had eyelock for a while...

Siddhant was wondering about the tears on her eyes...

He thought may be out of excitement & happiness...

He wipe her tears and cup her face..

then pulled her to his shoulder and wrapped his hands again around her...

Roli cried on his shoulder...

Siddhant: Roli.. dont cry.. why are you crying now??? are you ok???

Roli: Siddhant... i want my baby... i cant afford to lose it.. please...

Siddhant: Hey ROli.. Why should you lose it.. its absolutely yours... now relax.. just relax.. dont cry.. its not good for your health...

He consol her...

Roli let out all her grief & tension on his shoulders...

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