Colour bangles

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Siddhant was in the office...

He was gazing at Roli who was in her cabin doing some work...

Siddhant called his manager...

Siddhant: Manager... i need help from you...

Manager: Help.. what sort of help sir.. tell me...

Siddhant: I want to talk to some lady to know about pregnant ladies...

Manager: can talk to my mother.. she is old and knows all these very well...

SIddhant: Oh good!!! can you take me to your house.. i want to talk to her...

Manager: Sure sir...

Manager & Siddhant started from there and reached his house in few minutes drive...

Siddhant met his mother...

Siddhant: Namasthe maaji...

Maaji: Namasthe...

Siddhant: I wanted to talk regarding pregnant ladies...

Maaji: Oh!!! tell me.. what you want...

Siddhant explained about Roli to her...

Maaji: Oh!!! this is the problem...

Siddhant: Yes.. but why she is like that... why she is getting such strange fear..

Maaji: It is because of her loneliness.. 

Siddhant: Loneliness???

Maaji: Yes... you are telling she is alone with you... no one is there for her... not even mother or elders who is very much required in these pregnant times... Even girls who has everyone get such strange fear at times... when she is all alone she will be getting fear naturally.. May be she is afraid of delivery... afraid what if something happen to the child during pregnancy or during delivery...

Siddhant: Oh!!! what can i do for that...

Maaji: Keep her happy as much as you can.. buy whatever she want.. do whatever she wish... In these days they require huge support for them as they get fear inside...that too her date is nearing... She will be fearing..

Siddhant: Oh!!! ok... what all normally pregnant ladies wish for...

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