Confronting the staffs

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Siddhant inform manager to arrange for a meeting in the conference room with all the staffs...

All the staffs including the people who were gossiping in the dining were assembled...

Siddhant went near Roli...

Siddhant: Roli.. come with me...

Roli: Where Siddhant...

Siddhant: I arranged for a meeting... for that...

Roli: No... i dont want to face anyone.. its my mistake i came here to work...

Siddhant: Roli if you might have worked somewhere else.. then will you be at peace... wont others talk like this... that is not the solution.. Come with me...

Siddhand hold Roli hands and pulled her to come with him...

Roli got up and went behind him...

Roli & Siddhant entered into the conference room...

Siddhant started his speech...

Siddhant made Roli to sit next to him...

Siddhant: Now all may wonder for what all gathered here...

I wanted to clarify something to you all...

Actually this clarification was requied by few in our office...

But thought not sure who else is having such question inside their mind...

So thought of making this meeting and getting everyone clarified...

Now.. this is the point... Ms. Roli... My PA... is pregnant...

Yes.. she is pregnant... And also Yes.. she is single.. unmarried...

Not only that.. the major question is who is reason behind this unmarried girl pregnancy...

It is me.. yes... i am the reason behind... I am the father of the child...

Do you all have any concern... DO you all have any objection...

First let me clarify.. there was no need for us to give even this clarification to you all...

Its our personal life.. still i told you all as i wanted to stop all the rubbish talks happening in the office...

Yes.. its our personal life... Its our wish.. its our decision...

None of you got any rights to discuss on that or have any concern on that...

If still any one here is having that much concern on her or her pregnancy or myself reason behind that pregnancy.. then can very well resign their job and go today itself...

Of couse settlement till today will be given on spot so that there is no need for that person to enter into the office again even for the settlement...

Is everything clear to all...

So time is given till today eveing...

ANyone or everyone is welcome to give their resignation...

Siddhant looked at Roli...

Siddhant: Roli... lets go to our place and do our work...

Siddhant started marching towards his cabin...

Roli went behind him to her cabin..

The whole office was in pin drop silence...

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