Carrying our child

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Roli was on his shoulders closing her eyes for long...

After a while she realised what she is doing...

She swiftly moved away...

Roli looked at Siddhant while Siddhant was surprised why she is suddenly moving away...

Roli: I am sorry...

Siddhant: Sorry... for what???

Roli: I dont know Siddhant.. What is happening to me these days...

Siddhant: i dont get you...

Roli: I mean i dont know why i behave strange...

Siddhant: Strange... 

Roli: yes... i am hugging you without knowing what i am doing... i dont know why... but doing this mistake again & again & asking you sorry again & again...

Siddhant: Oh!!! for this only you asked sorry now...

Roli: Yes.. please dont mistake me for this...

Siddhant smiled...

Siddhant: No.. This is not acceptable...

Roli: Siddhant...

Siddhant: This is not... not at all acceptable...

Roli: I told sorry right.. i wont do it again...

Siddhant widen his hands to receive her...

Siddhant: Come.. Do that mistake again & again... I will ask to tell sorry when i require... 

Roli smiled...

Roli just lean on his shoulder and wrapped her hands again around him...

Roli: you know how i got afraid when you said not acceptable...

Siddhant:But why?? 

Roli: I thought you have mistaken me... 

Siddhant: Why should i mistake you.. more over you are carrying our child...

The smile on Roli face got vanished...

She was thinking... oh!!! this hug is also because i am carrying our child...

Roli slowly moved away from him again...

Siddhant: Roli.. what happened now???

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