Unexpected situation

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2 Months later...

Siddhant was in the office busy with some files...

His manager was standing in front of him...

He was questioning him some work related things...

Siddhant: We need to be more specific in this order...

Manager: Sure Sir...

Siddhant: Anything else important today...

Manager: Yes SIr.. we called for interview for the post of your PA today evening...

Siddhant: oh ok... How many candidates & what time...

Manager: We already shortlisted and 3 candidates alone shortlisted for you to interview & finalise...at 5 PM Sir...

Siddhant: Their details...

Manager: It is in this file sir...

Siddhant: oh ok... 

He was going through their resume...

Siddhant: Ok... Lets finalise the candidate today...

Manager: yes sir...

After that they did some more discussions about biz...

Siddhant had lunch & continued his work in his laptop..

Sending mails... giving quotes... Confirming orders... placing orders...

He as not aware when the time become 5...

Manager entered into his cabin...

Manager: Sir... candidates are ready..

Siddhant: oh ok... send them 1 by 1..

Manager: yes sir...

He went out and started sending the candidates for the interview...

Siddhant was interviewing the candidates...

By now 4 candidates interview completed...

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