You are my wife

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Roli due date was nearing...

Siddhant took leave and was with her the whole day & night...

He dont even let her sleep alone...

One day night...

Roli suddenly started getting pain...

Roli hold his hands...

Siddhant who was sleeping swiftly got up...

Siddhant: Roli... are you ok...

Roli: Siddhant.. its paining heavily...

Siddhant: Dont worry... i will take you to doctor.. wait...

Siddhant called doctor & told her to be ready for attending Roli...

Siddhant took Roli in his arms and put her inside the car...

He swiftly rushed towards hospital...

Roli was taken to labor ward...

Doctor was with Roli attending her...

Siddhant was waiting outside filled with tensions...

He prayed to God... 

After sometime...

When Siddhant was walking here & there restless...

Doctor came near Siddhant...

Doctor: Siddhant...

Siddhant: Yes doctor.. how is Roli now???

Doctor: Siddhant... she is not cooperating for the delivery...

Siddhant: Not cooperating???

Doctor: Yes... i mean she got some fear about the baby...

Siddhant: Fear...

Doctor: Yes.. she is keep on telling.. she wants her baby...Not cooperating for the delivery... only if she give her side cooperation the delivery is possible... Otherwise it is not good for both mother & child...

SIddhant: Doctor... can i come inside...

Doctor: Sure... please come with me...

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