Baby is yours

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Siddhant was cooking in the kitchen...

He just finished and was arranging the food in the dining...

When he lift the plate to turn it...

He saw the image of Roli in it...

Siddhant smiled seeing her image in the plate...

Siddhant: Roli...

That was the moment... just that was the second...

As if waiting for his call...

Roli just rushed towards Siddhant with tears...

She back hug him tightly...

Siddhant was pleasantly surprised on her sudden hug while shocked seeing her in tears...

He left her to cry for a while so that she can calm down herself...

Siddhant: Roli...calm down.. dont cry...

He slowly bring her to his front...

He cup her face...

His wipe her tears...

Siddhant: What happened... why are you crying...

Roli: Siddhant... Siddhant...

She cried again badly...

Siddhant made her lean on his shoulder...

He wrapped his hand around her and hug tightly...

Siddhant: Roli... calm down.. calm down... relax... 

He caress her back...

She slowly calm down and stopped crying...

Siddhant: Roli... are you not feeling well.. shall we go to meet doctor... 

Roli nod her head as 'No'

Siddhant: Then... what happened.. why you suddenly started crying..

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