My child

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Roli & Siddhant get into the car by evening...

After a while...

Roli; Siddhant why did you do this???

Siddhant: What i did Roli???

Roli: Why you told everyone???

Siddhant: As such they all came to know you are pregnant.. thats why i told everyone that you are pregnant...

Roli: That is known to all...moreover my stomach itself will reveal everyone even if we try to hide...

Siddhant: then what are you talking about???

Roli: I asked why you told everyone you are the reason for this.. that too in your office itself.. what they might have thought about you...

Siddhant: Roli... as such i dont have any friends or relatives... so i dont care who think what... but i am sure they might have not thought worst than what they were talking about you... which i cant tolerate anymore... How dare they told something like that about you... i might have dismissed those 3... but thought they are talking without knowing the truth and decided to shut not only their mouth but everyone's...

Siddhant got tensed & increasing his speed...with an angry face...

Roli realised he is very angry on their talk about her...

By now they reached home...

Siddhant got down from the car and just marched inside the house...

He throw the laptop bag in the sofa and stood gazing at the wall angrily...

Roli went near him...

Roli: Siddhant... why got tensed suddenly... Relax...

Siddhnat: How can i relax Roli??? Didn't you hear what they talk about you... how dare... how dare they can talk like that...

Roli: I know Siddhant what they talk is too much.. But for that you spoiled your name too.. you reveal you are the reason behind to everyone...

Siddhant: is it not the truth??? i am the father of this child right... then why should i worry... this may not be symbol of love.. may not be out of interest... may be out of unconscious state... but still this is my child... I dont fear.. i dont fear to let everyone know about it... i cant tolerate anyone talking rubbish about you.. i cant tolerate anyone talking bad about this child...

Roli was stunned by his talk...

How much pocessive words with a stress on 'my child'...

What does this mean... 

Is he too interested in this child...

Is that the reason i am here...

is it like he will throw me out later taking this child...

No.. but he is angry on them talking about me too...

Then what does this mean...

Roli was confused...

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