Chapter 2

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We were all doing sit ups. I was helping Kaminari by holding his feet. I was beside Midoriya and Ochako.

"So Y/n what kind of stuff do you like to do?"

"Me? Eh it really depends on the day yea know? What about you Kaminari?"

"Ha I see, I only do the coolest of things! I like to you know, rock out and just have fun with others. I also love some Hamburgers."

"Sounds like a great time, a cook out with friends. Have music blasting maybe have a backyard pool with some home made hamburgers!"

"Yea you get it! That sounds like the perfect day to me. Seems like you and I should hang out."

He winked at me I chuckled. Kaminari is a pretty good guy. A bit of a flirt but a good guy. "Yeah if my Mom and Dad are alright with it. They are a bit over protective of me." I laughed and rubbed my neck.


Mr. Aizawa yelled at us, we did as we were told. I blushed seeing Kaminari's yellow eyes look down to me. "This is so embarrassing..."

"Why cause I'm above you- I MEAN! Crap I see what you mean..."

"See and hey no pervert ideas! It will make everything worse!" He laughed nervously. Okay so he's a flirt and a pervert still not that bad.

"S-sorry sometimes I can't help myself. I mean just think of it as two friends working out together."

"SO YOU WERE THINKING DIRTY?!? Also I just get easily get flustered... So. When I blush it's usually when I'm embarrassed..."

"Haha well I think your cute when you get flustered!"

"SHUT UP YOU ARE NOT HELPING!" I said as I formed one tail and playfully slapped him with it. He laughed and rubbed his cheek.

"I deserved it haha. "

He laughed I rolled my eyes. My eyes wondered over to Kyoka who was with the Momo girl. Kyoka was blushing, has she finally got a crush on someone?

"So uh L/n what do you think about us hanging out then?"

Denki asked me as I did a push up. "I wouldn't mind it, it's my parents you need to worry about." I laughed and thought of my dad. Back in school he wouldn't even allow me to talk to any boys. I didn't even know why till I realized he doesn't want me to just fall for some random guy.

"Well I am sure they will like me, the great Kaminari!"

"Ha try telling that to my dad. He's no laid back dad you know."

"I will tell him I'm just trying to get to know his daughter. Not in a sexual way of course! Just to be friends!"

I laughed and shook my head. "Yea, no you are so going to be dead Kaminari."

"Haha fine, we will see I will try to word it better!"

"You better your life might depend on it!" We both laughed, Denki Kaminari might just become my first best friend that's a guy. I really don't mind that if it's the case. It was after School and Kaminari raced by my side. "Woah there what's the rush?"

"I was thinking I could walk you home. If you would like that."

"Oh yea sure! I don't mind." I gave him a cheerful smile. Yea I definitely wouldn't mind being his friend.

Electrocuted my heart Denki x reader completedWhere stories live. Discover now