Chapter 3

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We were pretending to be hero's and villains. I was paired up with Kyoka and Kaminari. We were the hero team...

"Alright so who's going to go after the bomb?"

"I will!" Kaminari and I said at the same time.

"Or you can go Y/n..."

"No you it's okay you can if you want!" Kaminari and I kept trying to give each other the chance to get the weapon.

"Well, I can hear them threw the walls. So one of you can keep the villains busy while the other darts after the bomb."

Kyoka said then I looked to Kaminari. He sighed and rubbed his neck.

"Well I could attack them. I don't have much control over my quirk so it kind of goes everywhere. We are up against Kirishima and Sero, so I don't know what would be best."

"What do you mean you don't have control over it?" I asked him he looked a bit embarrassed.

"Well I can discharge a lot of volts, but once I use it all I go dumb.... Also it hits everyone around me, I don't want to hurt you two...."

I thought and got a idea. "That won't be a problem I think. Kyoka you said you could hear them? If they are above us, Kaminari you can fry them and stun them. If it hits me I'll send the left over electricity to my tails. That's were I store other people's power to make it my own. If they go after me I'll use it on them."

"Great plan let's move out!"

Kyoka said as we went up father I looked back at Kaminari he smiled and nodded at me. We watched as Kyoka listened onto the walls. She told us they were right above us. Kaminari and I nodded and went into action. "Hey Kaminari try not to use all your power Alright? I don't want you to over due it, if you really do what you said you do." He chuckled and shrugged.

"I'll try not to. Now let's win this thing!"

I nodded and we entered, Kirishima and Sero went into action. Kaminari lit up the room. He stunned Kirishima and Sero. I ran passed them as my tail collected extra discharge from Kaminari. I saw Sero trying to reach me with his quirk. I shot him down with electrifying shots from my tail.

I was inches away, I jumped and leaped onto the Bomb. Kirishima was still after me, I used my tail to make him keep his distance. All of a sudden a air horn let out. I got right into the bomb.

"Kaminari, Jiro, and Y/n have recovered the bomb! Hero team wins!"

I transformed and cheered. Kaminari raised his hand to me.

"Alright way to go Y/n!"

"Yea team work!" I said as we High-fived each other.

"Yea that was pretty smart of you. I could have never made up something like that! I didn't even have to use my full on quirk."

I giggled as Kaminari praised me. "Come on Kaminari your giving me to much praise. After all it's you and Kyoka who made it easy for me."

"Eh I don't think so. Am I right guys?"

"Yea we stood no chance!"

Kirishima agreed with Sero nodding in shock. I blushed and rubbed my neck. "Guys come on seriously I'm getting over flustered here!" They all laughed at me. What a bunch of dorks...

Electrocuted my heart Denki x reader completedWhere stories live. Discover now