Chapter 18

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       Kaminari Pov

I was telling Kirishima about my perfect plan to see if Y/n truly likes me back. I would dance with her and kiss her! Then he pointed out something that broke my dreams...

"Kaminari I am all for it man, but wouldn't it be awkward if she doesn't like you? I mean you are going to live with her right? Isn't that a bit risky?"

All I couldn't think about is how he was right. It would be but should I risk it anyway? No maybe?!? "True but how will I know other wise? I have tried to flirt with her!"

"How many times have you actually hanged out without me, Jiro, or Bakugou and Sero? Just you two alone?"

I blushed thinking at the times I was with her. Though it was just a bit it felt like a lot to me. "Six times... Are you saying I need to spend more alone time with her?" Kirishima nodded with a smile.

"Yea dude! Go for it ask her out like the man you want to be for her!"

Y/n Pov

"Go ask him out already."

"Come on Jiro I cant! I'm moving in with him. It would be so awkward if he didn't like me back..." I decided to tell her about my dads situation. She was fine with it, because I said she can beat up Kaminari if he tried anything.

"Fine kiss him, see where that gets you."

"Uhg how about I not? I think I need to prepare for other things anyways. I also may have kissed his cheek already. So it's already embarrassing to see him anyways! What about you and Momo hmmmm?" She turned red and shook her head.

"I-it's nothing!!!"

"Hehehe yea right." I smirked at her I got her back so good. Time passed and we met with the others. I stood and froze as I saw Denki handsomely dressed up. He came to me with the most brilliant smile.

"Hey Y/n you look beautiful, ready for the best time of your life?"

He winked I laughed nervously and nodded. "Yea and Thanks. You look really good as well..." All of a sudden as we started to talk. All the power and doors shut on us. The whole building was being over thrown by villains! I got a bit scared and tripped. Denki caught me and held me close.

"It's okay I got you. I am sure everything will be fine."

He said even though I could tell he was worried.

"Maybe we can call some other hero's from out of town?"

Denki suggested but Melissa made a point the villains would know and come after us. I sat down defeated Denki went down with me and tried to comfort me. I'm so thankful for him.

"Y/n and Kaminari! Are you really okay with just sitting around like this?!? Don't you think we should do something?!?"

Kyoka said to us I looked to the floor and looked to her face.

"What do you mean Jiro? What is there to do? I don't like it but what is there to do? They captured All might! What chances do we have?"

Denki said with no energy. "Even if there was a way to get to them, there are cameras they would be watching... I don't like not being able to do anything, but what can we even do?" I said then Todoroki stood up.

"Does that really make it okay though? As future hero's should we just watch the villains win and do nothing about? What hero's will we be if we do nothing? Is there a back way and a way to take out the cameras?"

Todoroki said he talked strongly. Then Melissa talked about there was a way. We were still unsure until Deku spoke. He spoke from his heart and acted like a true leader. He made a plan and everyone was in. We were going to save the hero's!

Electrocuted my heart Denki x reader completedWhere stories live. Discover now