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When I cooled down from what happened at breakfast and I've finished the dishes, we get dressed and head for the doctors at the hospital.

After the rebellion, district 12 soon began to re-make itself. New houses,buildings, hospitals, and what the hob used to be that is now called a store. We have plenty of them now.

"Do you think I'm pregnant, Peeta?" I ask doubting myself.

"Why wouldn't you be pregnant, you've missed your period." He whispers as we passed kids.

"You never know." Is all I can say.

About 10 minuets later, we reach the hospital and go to the 5th floor. Me and peeta sign the sign in sheet and anxiously wait to be called up.

"Mrs. Mellark" The doctor calls out.

I get up and Peeta follows, I turn around to ask him to stay but there was something in his eyes. I didn't have the heart to say no, so we enter the examination room, hand in hand.

"Hello Katniss, I'm Dr.Henderson I'll be your ob/gyn doctor. Dr.Reed is out on maternity leave for a year. May I ask why you came?"

Peeta speaks up, "We think I'm pregnant." He blushes and quickly says "She's! We think she's pregnant."

Dr.Henderson laughed. "First kid?" When Peeta and I nod he shakes his head "Don't worry that always happens... Okay first things first we will need a blood sample and a Ultra sound. But a different kind. Its a wand that goes inside of you."

"Why don't we use the one that goes on top of my stomach?" I ask.

"Because that won't detect the baby at a early stage like this." He responds.

I let him draw blood (which hurt), and feel my stomach (which tickled) and use the wand to look inside of me (which was uncomfortable). He said that the results would take a few hours to come so, he sent us home.Peeta and l painfully wait for the call that will alter our future.

Riinng Riinng.

Peeta rushes to the phone, "Hello?"

"Hello, I have the test results for Mrs.Mellark. May I speak to her." The Women says.

" I am her husband." Peeta answers.

" Okay then.The results for the physical: negative
Results for the ultrasound:positive
And finally results for the blood test: Positive. Based on this information your wife is approximately 3 weeks pregnant ."she says .

Peeta's eyes are watering. Tears staining his face.

" Mr.Mellark?"

"Oh, here sorry thank you so much! " Peeta hangs Up before the woman could respond.

"Well? Peeta what are the results?" I ask desperately. It then hits me that I want a baby as much as Peeta does.Maybe even more.

"Katniss, you're pregnant!" He says with tears and I run to embrace him.

We hug for the longest time in silence except for our tears of joy. I grab Peeta's face and kiss him. Only stopping when I must come up for air.

"Now what?" I ask.

"Now" Peeta says" now we wait, relax, tell family and friends and enjoy the silence while we still have it." He jokes.

EDITING Willow's Beginning (Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now