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I dream about myself. My 16 year old self. I stand in front of the younger me and she just stares at me, deep into my eyes. Bow and arrow in hand, loaded, but not aimed.

"Who are you?" She asks.

"You," I say." You but twice your age."

She aims for my belly button,"I am never having kids."

"Katniss pleases listen! It's me... It's really you. Trust me, you are a victor of two hunger games. You marry Peeta Mellark you-"

"The baker's son?" She laughs "Please he wouldn't like a girl from the seam like me. And it doesn't matter, I would most likely marry Gale, almost every one knows that."

She re aims the the deadly arrow for my heart. She doesn't belive me. Although she does have a point. Back then I only saw Gale as a possible choice for a husband. Another point is because I am pregnant. I never wanted to have kids. To save them from the games;from being killed in them.

Now that I look back, I have completely changed.

She pulls her arm back. Still aimed for my heart. "Katniss please!" I am crying now" Don't just stand there and look at me! Say something!"

There is a long silence then she speaks," Bye."

I scream 'NO' but it's to late. There is a sharp pain in my stomach and chest. I squeeze my eyes shut and when I reopen them she is on top of me. Like clove was, and screams my while stabbing me with arrows along the lower part of my body. I have never experience pain like this in my life ever. She shakes me and yells my name. "KATNISS!"

That's when I finally wake from this horrible nightmare.

EDITING Willow's Beginning (Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now