Christmas Evening

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We decide to start with Delly. Mostly because she is easier to talk and get along with. I haven't seen her since the New Years party Last year. The last time I saw her she was pregnant with her second child. Delly has a 2 story colonial house that's light blue. Peeta knocks on the door. Delly answers.

" Peeta, katniss! Merry Christmas!" She says.

"Delly its so nice to see you, again." Says Peeta, always so kind. Delly starts to laugh when her stomach moves along. My face contorts and looks like I've put lemon juice in my mouth.

"Haha.... Its okay Katniss! Holden is just saying hi." Delly explains. Just then 4 other children run out the door with toy airplanes and child sized trucks.

"Atticus, Addison, Chancellor,and Mazie! How dare you? Don't be rude to our guests. Say hello." Delly says

They all say hello.

"Chancellor is the oldest he is 7, Atticus,he is a meanie, is 6, Addison is 2 and I am 4! " Says little Mazie, smiling so big you can see her two missing from teeth.

They all have brown hair except for Mazie, she is a bright Blond. And they all have green eyes. Bright green eyes. Like Annie, I wonder how she Is.

" Well you two get out of the cold come in." She turns to the 4 children behind her, "Chancellor watch your siblings for mommy."

"So what brings you two here today?"

"Actually" I say," we came to give you a present."

"Aww you didn't have to." She slowly sits down next to Peeta and gets the small box and rips it open,And starts laughing. "This is just what I need."

We got her a robe and a $50 gift card to a massage and spa place across Town.

"Well Katniss I must say thank you! but I must ask. How are you feeling? I saw you deliver that message on TV about your... Miscarriage."

The question totally throws me off. I wasn't expecting that. Thankfully Peeta answers for me.

"We're doing just fine. What about your newest addition? Girl or boy?" He says trying to change the subject.

"Oh its a boy. We're going to name him Holden."

"How far along are you?" I ask.

"7 months."

"What!?" Me and Peeta say in unison.

"I thought you were like due any day your huge!" I want to take it back as soon as I say it. Thankfully she laughs it off. I was trying to say sorry but she shakes it off. A tall blond man walks through the door covered with the four children I recently met.

"Hi Delly! You didn't tell me we were having guests." The man says "I am John. Its good to see you again Peeta. As well as you Kanniss "

I ask confused "I don't remember meeting you."

He chuckles," I was a doctor in training back in 13. I was the nobody in the corner helping to treat Peeta."

"Well nice to see you again. We came to bring Delly a present. But we have to leave now." Peeta says

We shake there hands, say bye to the kids, and walk out the door.

"Why'd we leave" I ask him.

"I remember him... He may have been a nobody but he... Wasn't the kindest twords me."

"What do you mean?"

"I'd rather not talk about it," He says coldly.

We walk to Haymitch's house, with minimal conversation. I wonder what John did. What could he have done to a him that even though he'd already been hijacked, that 15 years later still remembers it? When we get to his house we don't even knock, we already know it's unlocked. But this time geese jump out the door. I scream, Peeta laughs.

"Thanks for letting the damn geese escape" Haymitch says. He looks completely different. Well groomed hair and facial hair, he's not drunk, doesn't smell like beer, and has a suit on.

"I like this new Haymitch. What's the occasion?" I tease.

"A woman is do'n me a certain favor." He answers.

EDITING Willow's Beginning (Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now