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In the morning, after breakfast, I just tell Peeta and my mom that I am going to go for a walk. They both offer to accompany me, but I refuse. That would mess up my entire plan. I walk to the train station and order a ticket to District 2. I am going to visit an old friend. I am going to visit Gale.


The train ride took a about 8 hours. Surely my mom and Peeta should know that I haven't gone on a walk. I am currently standing in front of Gale's house.

What if he tells me to go away. He will surely by married by now, what will his wife think? I walk up to the door and freeze. Second guessing myself.

"Catnip?" I know that voice. I turn to see gale. 16 years older."Katniss is that you?" He looks like he came from an afternoon jog. When I smile and nod,he rushes to embrace me in a warm sweaty hug. He is the first to let go. I wish he didn't though.

"Katniss... What are you doing here?"

"I came to talk."I say.

He doesn't believe me."What happened?"

I tell him everything. The marriage, the baby, the flashbacks, the suicide, and Peeta's current condition.At the end he shakes his head,"What are you thinking?" I ask him.

"You know exactly what I am thinking Katniss." He says.

"Your right. Your thinking why did I marry a deranged man, instead of you."

"Something like that."

"Gale," I scoff.

"Well Katniss, You knew you liked me. We liked each other. But you went with him."

"Gale he isn't a bad person! He-"

"He tried to kill you! Multiple times Katniss!"

"And you killed my sister!'' I yell back. The tears in my eyes threaten to spill out. This is not how I expected our reunion to be. I expected it to be a lot more peaceful.

"Look gale I didn't come to argue... I came to see my best friend."

"Okay.Let's go inside" He opens the door to reveal a beautiful brunette with dark green eyes.

"Katniss this is my wife Hena. Hena this is Katniss my childhood friend."

"Pleased to finally meet the woman who freed Panem." She says.

"Okay. Ugh do you have a phone I could possibly use?"

"Ya," Gale says." Its to the left on the wall." When I get there I call my house number. Someone picks up on the third ring.

"Katniss?!" My mother asks. She wispers to Peeta," Peeta! Its her tell the cops to call off the search."Katniss where are you?!"

"Mom I'm okay."

"Katniss? Please. Where are you." When I don't answer I can hear her sob while she gives the phone to Peeta.

"Katniss,Honey its me. I remember now. I was waiting to tell you but you left."


"When I fell last night after you ran. I hit my head on the wall..." I snicker and I can feel Peeta's embarrassment.

"Katniss... Dr.Henderson called. He says that you really need to come in for a check up..." He is hiding something from me. I know it.

"Finish Peeta!"

"Something is wrong with the baby! He says she has-"

Gale comes," everything alright catnip?"

"Ya" I say imediately hanging up the phone." Ya everything is good. Great."

"I was thinking we could go for a swim, over by the lake behind our house. Don't worry," he jokes "Pregnant women can swim."

I smile and walk right into the water.


*Peeta's POV*

"Something is wrong with the baby! She has-" I hear emptiness on the line. I slam the phone onto the wall.

"She hung up!" I exclaim."Did she tell you where she was? Or where she was going?"

Her mother just shakes her head and sobs.

Where could she have possibly gone? Did she leave me forever? Or did she just need a break like when she left thirteen to go to district two way back when I was still hijacked. Were she was shot on live t.v. Then it strikes me. If she were to disappear like that... She must have gone for a trusted friend.

She has gone for Gale.

EDITING Willow's Beginning (Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now