3 am

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I awake to a stumbling noise. And then quiet mumbling. I look next to me to see that Peeta has left the bed gone. I check the time:3:01 am. It takes me a while to get out of bed, but I get up in about three minuets. I slowly waddle down stairs, but that's when I feel a hand grab my ankle.

I was about to scream but I manage to stifle it." Hasn't anyone ever told you not to scare a pregnant woman?" I joke.

He laughs. But soon after I can make out his frown in the dark hallway.

"Peeta whats wrong?" I ask.

"Its just so confusing. I would really like to remember me and you. And that wonderful woman who made the best pea soup in district 12...But the bread was a bit too dry"

"Wait!," I whisper, Not wanting to wake her up. Her bedroom door is only a few steps away "You said we were in district 12!"

"Oh my gosh! I remember something!" He exclaims.

We draw each other into a hug. I gab his face and kiss him but he immediately pulls away. I feel embarrassed. I shouldn't have done that. We sit in silence.

"Why did you come down here anyways?" I asks.

"I couldn't sleep...I couldn't sleep next to you knowing that... That we were something."

"Were?" I repeat. Is he implying something?

"Oh no! I didn't mean it like that." He quickly says. Relive floods me. "I also came down for a drink. Of water... But I missed a step and my crutch fell before me and I collapsed."

"Oh" is all I manage to say.

I help him up and get the crutches and make our way down stairs. He sits and the table and I bring him a glass.His hand accidentally brushes against my stomach, and the baby kicks. I double over in pain and Peeta Rises and touches my shoulder.

He asks, "Are you okay?!"

I nod my head and when she stops I explain how the baby loves his touch. How I figured that out when he was in his coma. He says he is going to sleep on the couch, so I head upstairs to our room.

But before my foot touches the first step he says," Katniss?"

I turn to face him,"Yes?"

His eyes look deep into mine,"I remember how much I loved you."

I run as fast as I can up stairs. And shut the door. I don't want him to see crying. Although I here him come after me. Then a stumble. But I hear my moms voice so I know he's okay.

I don't even know why I ran. Its been getting harder and harder to control my emotions. Its like their not even mine anymore. This pregnancy has been a disaster. I've missed 4 ultrasounds and 7 doctors appointments. Most women say its the best time of their lives. All I can say is that my husband tried to kill me and then tried to commit suicide.

I don't even know anymore. Maybe it would be would be best I weren't pregnant.Though I couldn't possibly kill our child. I am beyond done with murder.

I just need a break. And I know exactly were to go.

EDITING Willow's Beginning (Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now