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By the end of that week we are given tons of papers for both me and Willow to take home. And Peeta has a new leg, he is still learning how to use it so he still has crutches.

We learn how to give Willow her medication and how to use and clean her oxygen system. Its not to complicated, but she is soon taken off of it. We thank all of the doctors who have assisted is through this long stay, pack up and leave.

The first few days were horrible. She cried so much and I didnt know what she wanted, but everytime peeta touches her she stops. I guess she is a daddy's girl. One day peeta came back from working a double at his bakery and saw the mess I had created;Willow missed four doses of her medicine, and was starving. I was laying down and she was right in front of me and I just left her alone screaming her head off.

At first I couldn't take care of her because I didn't love her. I didn't love her because she was sick, and I never wanted to have a baby with a possibly terminal illness. But peeta helped me to learn that just because she is different doesn't mean that she should be treated in any other way. And I thank him for that.

But time does fly, because today is her first birthday. And we invited Delly and her family and Haymitch. But my mother couldn't make it. She had passed when Willow was around 8 months,and it crushed me, but like always peeta and this time Willow helped me to get through it. Today at the party Willow started walking! Although her first steps were walking to Peeta, I am happy. At the end of today, after willow is asleep in her nursery and everyone has left, Peeta and I lay in bed.

"I can't believe its been a year," I say to Peeta.

"I can't either, but it has been a good one... So what do you want to do?" he asks.

"Sleep." I joke.

" You want to have another?" he says.

"No." although we both laugh, knowing that he will get his way again. I just hope that its not in the near future. I turn to face him and kiss him goodnight as he wraps his strong arms around me once more.

____END OF BOOK ONE_____

Well I have decided to end the book thought its kinda obvious now^. So I will have a new story following the second baby Rye. I will also add the tag of my user name sometime this week. And I just want to say thanks for reading. And the next book will start when Willow is 3.


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