Are you awake?

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*Katniss POV*

3 months have passed by and I am now 24 weeks today-6 months-. Today is February 28th and Peeta is still in a coma. The doctors say that he is getting better but if he doesn't wake up by my April 4th,Then they are going to transfer him to a facility with people of 'his condition'. That's when I yelled at them. I don't have time to think negative.

My mom came exactly when she said she would, although we haven't really talked to each other, We take turns watching Peeta. Waiting for the moment when I can see his blue eyes again.

*Peeta's POV*

I am stuck in some kind of in between. Every where I look its white. Plain endless white. Things get kind of boring when this is all you have to look at. I've been trying my hardest to get out but its like I have to go through some kind of maze... or test like thing. The only problem is that its with my memories. Like I have to go through them, sort them out. But my memories are the last thing I want to deal with right now.

Katniss gives me a daily update on what is happening in the real world. She even gives me updates on the baby. She found out two weeks ago that its a girl. And that she kicks really hard. I can also figure out when the baby does that, because I can fell her grab my hand and gently squeeze it. She also gives out a huge sigh when the baby stops. You have no idea how much I want to kiss Katniss and tell her that its going to be okay. But for right now, my main objective it to open my eyes.

The only reason I am in this mess is because I tried to kill myself. But I, once again owe my life to Katniss,for saving me. But I am done, and tired of staring at empty hallways of white nothingness. So I go through my memories and I work on them non-stop. The good ones, The bad ones, and ugly ones too. They range from the abuse in the Capitol and my childhood, to me and Katniss on the train, rebellion and games.

But I am interrupted by a strange sensation in my hand. A small thump in the center of my hand. "Feel that Peeta?" I hear her ask,"That's the baby kicking. I know that you want to open your eyes and see her move about. I miss you. Just please... Open your eyes."

Hearing this kills me. If only she knew how hard I am working to get to her. To see her, and the baby, and her mother. I start tearing through the memories. I painfully reliving every single one. After I have gone through all my memories, I look for clues on my exit from this 'Inbetween'. I walk around but all I see is white. No evidence of an exit. So I walk with my hand along the wall. That's when I find it. Not the exit, but a way to the exit. My hand has pushed a button that leads to a boxed room that comes with a sign above a 'door' that reads Entrance. I think to my self, really. I can only pray that this means an entrance to the real world and not something horrible,Like the world down under.

I open the door, which leads to a blinding light. And I see Katniss. For the first time in months I see my Mockingjay.

*Katniss POV*

I have just sat down after trying yet another plead with Peeta, and pick up a magazine. I know he can here me, I... I can feel his 'presents' in our conversations. I am reading a magazine when I here movement on the bed and the heart monitor machine start to beep way faster than usual. I put down the magazine to see those deep blue eyes staring right at me. I rub my eyes to make sure I am not going crazy. But no,These are his eyes staring right in mine. I rush to him. I can finally see his beautiful blue eyes. And that's when the tears start coming. I hold his face and kiss him on his forehead.

"Peeta your back! You did it!" I say through the tears.

All of this still feels like a dream. He tries to speak, but I tell him not to because he has a breathing tube down his throat. I run as fast as my pregnant body allow's me too (which I really a fast walk) and call out to the nurses.

"He's awake! Peeta is awake!" I say through sobs. Three months later and I finally have my boy with the bread back.

EDITING Willow's Beginning (Book#1)Where stories live. Discover now