The Interview

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Around 7:00, Dr.Cullet comes in and cheks on me. He says that things are going well and I could leave tomorrow if things continue to go well. Then at 10:00 Willow's doctor comes in.

"Okay, I have good news and bad news." she says.

"Okay what's the good news?" says Peeta. His voice is serious.

"Katniss, you did not give Willow the affected chromosome. Neither did you Peeta," she pauses." But she does have hemophilia. Now I know your thinking how, but what she has is rare. She has Sporadic Hemophilia. That basically means that her genes mutated on their own. That's the bad news"

Relief floods me. I didn't do it. I let out a huge sigh and grasp Peeta in a huge hug then kiss him.

"Okay now what how would we treat this? Is there a cure?" I ask.

" I am afraid not. But like I said it's not fatal if properly managed. So she will be on medication for the rest of her life, for the hemophilia and also for her heart with the circulatory system. Okay away from the hemophilia, her heart murmur is minor so if it doesn't clear up by the time she is 2 then we will deal with it, until then it's not to big of a deal. As for her lung is is doing well. She will be able to go home by the end of the week."

'Good' I think. We will finally all be home as a family.

"Umm quick question. How has she been doing? Because I thought that newborns eat like every two hourse. The last time I fed her was around midnight.?" I ask.

"We have been giving her formula. Okay uh see you guys later. Try to stop by around the NICU by 2 please." then she is out the door.

Our next guest comes in with Cameras and lights. The one and only Caesar Flickerman, this time with blood red hair. Not his best choice. He has gained weight and his face looks like plastic. Probably the result of countless surgeries trying to remove wrinkles.

"Katniss! Peeta! Long time no see!" He says loudly.

"Always nice to see you, Caesar." Peeta answer for both of us. I am just wondering who let him in.

"So where is this little bundle of joy?" He asks

"She isn't here." I snap." So let's just get to the interview phase and then I'll consider letting The whole world see her."

Everyone in the room starts staring at me. Shocked. Even Peeta. But Flickerman chuckles and shakes it off. I see him mouth words to the camera man, but I can't make it out. They set up the equipment within ten minuets, then the cameras start rolling.

"Here I am, Citizens of Panem, today with the famous Katniss and Peeta Mellark, to get an in site on the 'baby jay'. So Katniss, before you were pregnant again, how did you deal with the miscarriage?"

I should have know he would ask a personal question like that, but I must answer it truthfully to avoid Capitol drama." It was hard... I was depressed.But Peeta helped me get through it."

"And how was it for you Peeta?" Caesar says inviting him into the conversation.

"It was rough for me as well, but I think that it happens for a reason. Just like how we were put into the games, twice. And where we were born in D12. That-that all lead up to this moment right now." He answers.

"Just like how you were hijacked? Tortured? Lost your mind and made as a weapon? " Says Caesar, knowing he is going to far.

"Yes." Peeta strains to say.

"So how was the birth?" Caesar looks straight at me, changing the subject.

"It was..." I try and think of how to word it." Was painfully beautiful. The labor was fast compared to other people. But It was hard. I knew it would hurt, but never could of imagined that it would feel like that. But at the end of it, I felt something that I can't explain."

"Well I am sure one of them was relief that it was over." He jokes. I smile and nod yes.

"So." I know every single person in Panem is dying to know. Is it a girl or boy, and what's its name."

Peeta speaks up," It's a girl. Her name is Willow Mellark. Willow Rose Mellark." He looks at me. We haven't spoken about her middle name, but I love the name one he has chosen. I grin and smile in his direction, letting him know I agree.

"Beautiful name. Really. So where is the lovely child?"

"The NICU." I plainly say.

"And why is that?"

"She-" I start.

"She is premature. They just want to keep an eye on her, that's all." Peeta thankfully cuts in and says. I was about to reveal to much."

"Well I how about a trip to see her, hu?" He looks into the camera,"Well that's it folks you heard first hand. Tune in tomorrow to be the first to see Baby Jay' for the first time ever." He says then says cut. But right after I say

"She is not going on tv."

"But Katniss-" Caesar starts

"Look if you want to come see her tomorrow that's fine. No cameras. But if even her tiny toe ends up on tv, I will skin you alive make sure it is broadcasted live" I hiss.

He and his crew quickly pack up, say goodbye, and leave.

"Well that some way to do it." Peeta jokes.

Few minuets later I start to wonder were my mom is. I haven't seen her since last night. I ask Peeta and he hasn't seen her either. He volunteers to go and look for her, but when he comes back he comes with a note he says he hound it at the nurses station. It reads:


I am so proud of the woman you have become today. I am sorry to leave without a goodbye but I thought it would be easier. Thank you for making me a grandmother, for I am positive that she looks just as beautiful as you. If prim and your father were here, I know they would also be proud as well. I wish you luck on the months to come. You with be an amazing mother.

~mom ❤️

I start crying. Right then. Peeta reads the note and wraps me in his warm arms.

"Katniss I'm so sorry." He says. I can hear the sorrow in his voice.

"It's... I didn't get to... Say.... Goodbye. "The tears won't stop coming.

He rocks me in his arms. Calming me with soothing sounds. I never got to say goodbye. I want so say it so bad, but she won't hear me over 3,000 miles away.

We end up falling asleep in each other's embrace. But I occasionally hear the door open then quickly close.

As I dream, I see my mother, my father, prim. And they all haunt me.

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