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*Peeta's POV*

The knife is just about to reach the mutts chest, until she kicks me and I fall; the blade grazes my temple. Minimal blood. Once again she tried to kill me. She tried to make me fall a certain way so that the knife would crash through my skull. What is wrong with her? why can't she understand that all i've done is love her and all she has done is try to kill me.

"Peeta, stay with me! c'om on fight it! Its not real!" she try's to say calmly. She's scared for her life, I can see it right through her and she knows it.

"Shut up!'' I yell.



I can feel the adrenaline coursing through me, and I like it. After that I go wild. Breaking dishes, ripping pictures painted on canvases ,and even punching holes in walls.Until I finally trap the mutt in the kitchen. I grab her by her shoulder and violently shake her as she screams. She starts sobbing as I pin her to the floor and grab the knife. That's when she grabs my face but gently. I let her, these are going to be her last words anyways.

She looks deep into my eyes and says," Peeta, I know you can here me.-''

I look away. shes trying to make me change my mind. my breathing slows. She gently grabs my face and looks deep into my eyes once again and whispers,"Peeta its okay. Go ahead. Just do it. I'm ready. It's okay, it's okay, it's okay. I love you, always." That last word is what brings me back.

"Katniss?" I ask. That's when she knows I am back that's when she starts crying. saying things like 'you did it Peeta'...No I didn't do anything. The only thing I have accomplished is to attempt to kill Katniss and the baby....I don't understand. All these years later and I still have the flashbacks.

But that one was something different. This one reminds me of the ones I had in the Capitol. Usually I grab the back of a chair and try to hold on to my sanity but I couldn't do it this time. It was to strong.

I start shaking. I hate myself, I repeat in my head. I hate myself for everything that I am, and everything I will ever be. I walk outside to think of the only solution to permanently solve my problems and save Kantiss' life. I hear Her footsteps follow me outside of the house. I make my way to the grass where it is lined with brick, and find a loose one.

Hopefully Katniss can understand and forgive me for what I am about to do. See that I am trying to not only save her and our child's life, but to also save both of us from a life of pain and misery. That I am doing this out of love.

I raise the loose brick I found over my head. Looking at the sunset. The beautiful colors of pink and orange, mixed together. Where they meet with the thin white cloud just above the falling sun. Hopefully I will remember to paint this when I go to that place above. If I get the chance to go.

I take one last look at Katniss and mouth the words ' I love you. Always.' She now understands what I am about to do, so before she can reach me, I slam the brick into my head.

The last thing I hear Is Katniss scream the word no.

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