Who is Peeta?

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*Katniss POV*

Soon after I told the nurses that Peeta is finally awake, other nurses and doctors flooded into his room, and forced me out. I have been in the waiting room for about four and a half hours now. And being in here has made me relies a lot of things. One being on how I should enjoy every moment I have with Peeta. And everyone in general, because you never know when everything can slip away.

The other thing is that there are mainly three types of different people in a waiting room.

1~ The never ending cry's:

I've seen at least a dozen of these people. They are the people crying for hours on end. Usually waiting for someone to come out of surgery, or a loved one has been diagnosed with some terminal illness.

2~ The angered:

People who are angry at everyone and everything on this earth; especially the doctor. They Also find everything very irritating and tend to curse people out.

3~ The average:

Meaning people who bottle up there emotions only to cry and be angered in there loved ones actual hospital room. Like me. They also feel sympathy and try to start conversations with people, that end up lasting for hours.

I have done that twice now. The first time was with a married couple who's child son had a seizure, only later to be diagnosed as stage 2 brain cancer. They now go to a hospital in district 3,(The technology district.) I am happy that they got the opportunity.

The second person is a younger woman, around 23, that has a daughter that is 4 months old, and has the name Sofia-Nicole. Her mother showed me a picture of her . She has golden hair and bright green eyes. She was originally from the capitol, but moved here shortly after the rebellion for her boyfriend.Her daughter is currently having open heart surgery. I can't imagine how that woman is feeling. I can't possibly imagine how it must feel knowing that she only has a 50% chance of surviving the surgery.

We are in the middle of our conversation when I am called by Dr.Furhman into the hallway.

"So, what the news doc?" I sigh.

"Let's sit down, shall we." We walk to a bench a couple feet away. If I have ever learned anything while I've been in a hospital, its that whenever a doctor says that you should sit down... Its never good.

"I'll just get to the point," she says. "Like I have already told you, since Peeta had gone without oxygen for a long period of time, he would suffer brain injuries, and... Well Katniss he has."

He has an acute case of amnesia, or short term memory loss. He doesn't remember anything. Not his name, himself, or even the baby. The only thing he does remember is your name."

"I don't understand. When I saw him he looked right at me, like he knew me!" I could feel myself loosing patients.

"Katniss," She says.

"I just need to speak with him. Alone." I say. It came out a bit harsher than I expected.

"As you wish." She politely answers. The rest of the walk to his room was silent.

When we finally get to the door, I open it slowly. And peek my head through. There us still a few doctors in but Dr.Furhman got them out. And without another word, they all left.

He starts the conversation," Katniss?"

"Yes, that's me." I notice that his speech is slow and slurred. Like he is drunk. It reminds me of Haymitch.

"Who is that?" He points to my stomach.

"Its our daughter."

"Our."He repeats. "We have kids."

"This is our first." This is getting really awkward really fast. So I change the subject."Peeta what do you remember? "

" Who is peeta?" He thinks for an second. Then says," Nothing much really. Only bits and pieces, That don't fit together." His hand gravitates to his half leg. I never thought to look at it while he was out.

He removes the blanket and pulls up his pants leg. His face turns pale, but then he smiles.

"I may not remember most things, but I am positive that I had two legs." He jokes.

"Peeta! That's not Funny!" He looks at me like a scolded child.

I want to take it back as soon as I say it. "Peeta I'm so-"

"No..., 'Katniss', your right." He says," I think I'll take a rest."

I hesitate, but I eventually leave.

I am given the okay ,his discharge papers, and a pair of crutches, and then we drive home. Peeta starts the conversation," what was I like?"

"You were... Funny, kind, and inspirational. You were a baker, a painter, and much more." I say tearing up.

I quickly leave the conversation and open the window. Hopefully the breeze will dry my tears.

Everything lately has been reminding me of the rebellion. When we get home, it takes us about 15 minuets to get Peeta out of the car and on his crutches. When we open the door,my mom hugs and kisses Peeta hello. Peeta and I have to explain his amnesia and that he doesn't remember anything.

My mom makes pea soup and biscuits, we eat in silence. When the night finally comes, Peeta asked if he could sleep in my bed. I immediately agree hoping that when we sleep he will wrap his arms. But he doesn't.

I just want him back. I want him to remember me. I want him to remember us.

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