Meeting Willow

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*Katniss POV*

Soon after Nurse Iyana left, A new doctor comes our way. I look at the name tag on her lab coat. Its Dr.Clarke.

"Hi I am Dr.Clarke. I am Willow's Doctor, and I am afraid I have many things to talk to you about."

"How do you know her name?"

"Nurse Iyana." Peeta says, It must be.

"But we didn't tell her."

"I am sorry to interrupt, but this is serious." She says getting frustrated," We preformed the newborn screening test, a standard test for every newborn, and the results were alarming.

Willow's circulatory system is... Different. Instead of her heart being on the right side, its on her left. Meaning every artery, every vein isn't were is on the opposite side than its supposed to be. And she also has an accute heart murmur. We also found that she has is an under developed lung on her right side, but this is something normal with premature newborns.

But she has a genetic mutation on chromosome X. Its called Hemophilia. Hemophilia is when you, for example, fall and scratch you usually stop bleeding within 5 minuets and soon after a scab forms. Well for someone with hemophilia that doesn't happen." The pager on the waist band of her pant scrubbs vibrate. But she ignores it. "I'd love to give you more information on that later. I know I gave you so much all at once I am sorry. Do you have any questions?"

"Are the heart or blood problem fatal?" Peeta asks.

The doctor sighs,"Hemophilia is fatal if it is not properly managed, and the circulatory one shouldn't be much of a problem.Many people live full lives who have it.

As for the heart murmur we don't know how severe it is yet. We will run more tests in the morning," Her pager buzzes again, "and I will get a nurse to assist you on holding your daughter."

As she leaves Peeta and I look at each other. How could all the things the doctor explained could happen to a baby like this... And the genetic part did I give it to her? Could I have just caused an innocent person a life of pain and misery? My eyes start to burn and my throat thretens to cut off all oxygen to my brain. That's when I start gasping for air.

Peeta trys to calm me down, but I don't want His words or his warm arms around me...Okay maybe I do... but want even more I want is for Willow to be cured, or even not to have it.

But I know it can't happen. And that's what kills me.


Just like the doctor said a nurse would come and help us hold Willow. I let Peeta go first.

He described her a light as pillow. Willow's hand stretched out moving across his chest. He tried to let her grab his pinki but her hand was to small. He came close to to me so I can touch her. I held on to her hand. I was surprised that her skin is soft like silk, but when I let go she started crying. Her cry was soft and raspy. Her face changed colors from normal to red to light blue within five seconds of starting and the heart monitor starting beeping real fast.

Peeta called for the nurse and she came and put a canula on her.

-A canula is a transparent hollow tube that delivers oxygen directly into the nose-

The nurse then said that it is time for her to eat. They had given her 2 oz of formula two hours ago and that I the breastfeeding her would be beneficial especially since she is premature.

When I first held her she felt like a feather and warm. It took awhile for her to latch on but she eventually does.

"So we finally met Willow" Peeta says.

"Yeah, We did." I answer."What do we do now?"

"We..," He stops and thinks. " Actually I don't know. But we will get through this together. Just like always."

Later in the early morning, after Willow has been fed and has fallen asleep, Peeta and I lay in the small hospital bed, his arms around mine. Not saying anything. Too afraid that the other has finally got to enjoy the pleasures that sleep has to offer, and that waking them would bring the other back to reality. But I have to ask him something,"Peeta?"

"Yes babe?"

"What is if I have it to her. What if I did this?" I say.

"Did what?"

"The hemophilia."

"Katniss she is a girl. She has to X chromosomes, who knows..." He sits up and puts is face directly in front of mine." but we will love her no matter what she has or who she is. right?"

I avoid his eye contact. And turn my head. He says my name and asks me again.

I know that I should. She is my daughter. I promise him and say the words peeta wants to hear, then I close my eyes and turn to the other side.

But he of all people should know that I am not good a keeping promises.

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