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*Peeta's POV*

As soon as our precious princesses came into this world I started crying. Not only because now we are parents.. but because she wasn't crying. They took her to a room with more equipment; I tried to follow but they said that it would be best if I stayed with my wife. Katniss starts to notice that she doesn't hear her baby's cry either, and starts to panic.

"What's happening? Where's my baby? Peeta were is she? Mom!"

"Katniss I need you to stay still I need to stitch you up. I need to fix the tear," says Dr.Cullet.

She does what she is told but she tus crying. Sobbing really,and I don't want to see this. I go to her right side,by the window when Dr.Furhman, my old doctor, calls for me from the hallway. I make my way over there by wheelchair.

"Dr.Furhman?" I say confused.

"I am sorry for disturbing you at a special time like this. But I have good news for you."

"And that is?"

"I can get you a leg!" She says

I turn green, but then she laughs." No no no Peeta, I don't mean a surgery for someone elses leg. I mean a prosthetic leg. So you don't need that." She points to my wheelchair.

"Seriously?!" This is amazing. I could finally walk again.

"Yes. I have found 3 that you would work for you but I need to know how long your lower leg is so I can get the right fit." I let her measure my leg and then she is off to get me a leg. She says she should have before Katniss gets discharged from the hospital. I re enter the room to see that the doctor has just finished and Katniss calls for me.

Before she can say anything I say,"Thank you so much. Katniss, I saw her. She is beautiful, she is perfect, she looks just like you."

"Peeta..." Her voice is soft.


"I'm tired."

"I bet." I joke. She manages to smile. "But you did amazing."

"Peeta... Wake me when she is back." Then she is out like a light. Her mother goes to get us dinner from the cafeteria. The doctor comes in to check on Katniss, to make sure she is comfortable. So see this as a opportunity to ask about my baby.

"Uh Dr.Cullet. Hi how is she?"

"Oh Katniss is good-"

"Uh no I mean my daughter. How is she?"

He sighs."Let's go out in the hall."

When we do he starts,"Your daughter is in the NICU right now. Or the neonatal intensive care unit. She is premature and will be here for at least a month. When Katniss wakes she can visit her. Her doctor will then give you more information."

He walked off before I can say anything else.

Frustrated I turn the TV in the room to see if there is anything that will take my mind off the whole premature dilemma. When I turn on the TV I see the new a woman standing right in front the same hospital building as we are in. She explains the basics. That we had a baby, they don't now the gender or the name. Funny thing is we don't know the name is either.

When it is over a show called Cupcake Wars is on so I watch it. Its so funny to see them make simple mistakes. Like the cupcake is raw, its Burnt, to much beer in a beer cupcake, or simply not enough flour... Its sad.

Her mother comes back with a tuna on rye with apple sauce. We eat and laugh as someone goes home for having an amazing cupcake skills but was horrendous at decorating. Katniss wakes up about five episodes later and she is eager to meet our baby.

"Where is she peeta?" She asks. I don't want to stress her, so change the subject.

"Hey babe, what are we going to name her?"

"I was thinking about Willow. I've had so many nightmares with children with the name Willow."

"Maybe its a sign." I says,"Oh and Katniss they found out?"

"Who found - oh... The Capitol... Well I am surprised they didn't find out sooner. Peeta where is Willow?"

I sigh." Willow is in the NICU. The doctor said that when you wake up we can meet her."

She smiles wide and I know know that there is no changing her mind on seeing her. Katniss presses the nurse call button.

"Awe congrats you two! Can I help you?" Says Iyana through the speaker

"Yeah.I wanna see her." She says.

The nurse comes in with crutches, for me, and a wheelchair for Katniss. We take the elevator to the sixth floor and head towards Willow's section. That's when we look through the sea of baby's to find ours. In fact we pass her about two times. She is the smallest baby here. On a sign attached to her incubator it says 4lbs 13oz 12in. She may be tiny, but she couldn't be more perfect.

Its close to 12 when Nure Iyana does one more thing before she leaves for the night, she places a white bow -although on her it looks like a head band- on Willow's head just above her short dark brown hair.

And says goodnight to us all.


Happy new years!

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