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"Katniss!" Peeta yells tears pouring down his face. I slowly sit up and grab a cup of water that was placed on movable table. I see my mom asleep in chair across the room.

"How long have I been out?" I painfully say, my voice is hoarse.

He looks at the clock,"About two hours now. Doctor came to check while you were sleeping. Your four and a half."

I let out a huge sigh. Only half of a centimeter... at this rate I'll be ready to push in long 8 hours. Another contraction comes and all I can to relive the pain is to let out small moans and groans. When it's over Peeta stands up and starts to pace, hands through his hair, Then heads for the door.

"Peeta were are you going?"

"Katniss I can't handle this. I just need some air." He says.

"What? You can't handle it! I am in labor, you are sitting there and YOU can't handle it?! Are you going to push out a baby?" I snap. As soon as I say it I regret it, and he heads out the door. I feel so bad. I know what he ment, that he couldn't handle watching me while I am in pain, and I just went off on him. I press the nurse call button and a nurse is in within two minuets.

"Hi I am Nurse Iyana. You called." She says cheerfully.

"I don't want to do this" I moan.

She chuckled,"No one here does. But trust me its worth it. I have three kids of my own."

"I can't just lay here."

"Well there is a giant exercises ball, laughing gas, walking, breathing exercises, hot showers."

"Can I start with the exercise ball?" I ask.

"Yes you can!" She says," Do you want me to get your partner? I saw him walk down the hall earlier." I nod yes. She sends in another nurse to get the I.V. and puts a pink and blue belt around my stomach. She says that the pink will monitor the baby's heart rate; while the blue monitors my contractions. By the end I am hooked up to at least three different machines and its very uncomfortable and tight. The other nurse, Iyana, comes back with the ball and Peeta. I tried to say sorry but he kept waving it off. He said that Nure Iyana explained how women in labor aren't exactly the happiest.

I get on the ball and Peeta supports my back. Its actually real simple, just bounce. I do this for about fourty minuets until its no longer effective. So I decide to walk. I ask Peeta to stay behind. So its just me and the nurse, until I walk into another woman. Her name is Rosella. She is having a girl, that she is naming Emory- Carter.

"So is this your first child?" She asks.


"No. Second."

"How is it? I mean like the birth?"

"Well its... Unpleastent. For me at least I had an epidural. My husband passed out, and the baby was breech-"

"What's that?"

"When the baby comes out feet first." She answers." Yeah, but aside from all that, Its the best thing that will ever happen to you. Like a few seconds before the baby is born, the world and everything around you slows down. And you hear nothing. And when that baby pops out... The bond between you... It-Its... No words can describe it. But after all the blood and pain. Its worth it."

Nurse Iyana,who was behind us, started clapping. "That was beautiful!"

"Awe thanks." Rosella says blushing.

Rosella slightly bends down and lets out a huge breath. Her nurse,who wasn't to far behind,takes her to her room. But before she leaves she says," Good luck. Uh whats your name?"


Once she relises who I am I can tell that she was shocked. Most likely wasn't expecting me to be like this but I wish her luck as we continue. We walk until I can't possibly stand anymore. I try the shower and laughing gas but they stop working within minutes.

Hours pass by and the pain just keeps getting worse. I keep thinking that maybe it can't get worse, but of course it does. I feel embarrassed when I let out a moan or noise. I have been through worse. I am the mockingjay and the vitcor of a Hunger Game and Quarter Quell... And I will not let child birth get to me, but my mother and nurse Iyana says that its okay, and that they know how it feels. Peeta massages my back, but that causes the baby to move and when she moves the pain is 10x worse. I have to ask him to stop but I try to without screaming at him.

I was some what successful.

My next check was about an hour after all this. And I was 9 3/4 cenimeter. I was frustrated and I started to cry. My mom tried to help me but she can't take the pain away. With every contraction I am sobbing. I beg the doctor for an epidural but he says it's too late.

30 slow minuets later I am finally able to push.


"Okay Katniss, with every contraction you are going to push okay? And only push when one comes to avoid tearing, but remember you are bruised down there." While he talks to the other staff in the room I take this opportunity to talk to Peeta.

"Hold my hand please. And don't let go."

"Never. I wouldn't dream of it." He says and kisses my temple.

I feel a contraction so I push. But I have not felt a contraction like this. It was so painful I couldn't scream, it left me breathless. That's when things go black. But I am soon brought back. They place a mask on my face for extra oxygen. I squeeze Peeta hand so hard I thought I heard a snap. But I know that every push brings me closer to my princess.

An hour later,"Come on Katniss just one more push! You got this!" Every one in the room seems to say.

Until finally the world around me slows and I hear nothing, not even my own scream. And then all of my pain stops then I feel a huge release of pressure. Seven and a half hours later and I am finally done.

I am a mom.


Sorry for posting so much today, but I just felt 'inspired'. But while I am writing this, thank you all for 1K! I just realized that I had that many reads its crazy! And thank you for reading and voting for this story because without it I would have stopped a long time ago.

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