Peeta, Its Time

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After the blow out with Gale, I leave at first daylight, without a goodbye. I didn't want to further complicate things between Gale and I. Or between Gale and Hena.

When I get home, I get a lecture from not only my mother but also from Peeta. He angrily explains how I gave him a heart attack and what was I doing with gale... I tuned out after that. I don't have time for this.

I walk to Prims room hoping that the sight and sent of her blankets will help calm me down. But that's not what I find. I find that it has been completely been re made. Instead of light yellow walls I find the outdoors. A light blue sky, thin pinkish clouds, bright yellow sun, and tall brown grass. Peeta has turned her room into a meadow.

That's when I notice the furniture. A dark brown crib under the bright yellow sun,A rocking chair with light pink padding, and a bark brown dresser with a mirror attached. Packs of diapers with various sizes linger around the room, while few clothes lay on a dresser beside a note. It reeks of beer.

The note says:

Thank Johanna. Hand crafted district 7 wood. Good luck sweetheart.


Unfortunately that's when I loose it. I crumple the paper and scream. Scream, cry, shout... Anything really to let my emotions out. The pain of all of Prims things being moved, and the things she has left behind... gone.

That's when my mother and Peeta rush into the nursery flodding me with questions, like: 'are you okay?' And 'is is a contraction?' But I don't respond, and they soon realize that I am not going to. My mom eventually leaves the room but Peeta stays behind to try to comfort me.

After a while he says,"To be honest I don't have any words to make you feel better... But I do have arms, to hug you with. Ears, to listen to anything you want to talk about. And a heart... A heart that is aching to see you smile.''

I feel his tear fall to my hand as he lifts it to his lips and kisses it.This is the Peeta I know. This is the Peeta I knew before any of this started. Before that picnic we had a little over a year ago. At the start of this wild adventure.

I reach for his face and pull it twords mine. Once again our kisses become more desperate.The need for more is feeling stronger than ever before... And I like it.

I am wearing a skirt so its not to hard for Peeta to find a way in. The hard part was finding a position that was comfortable, because when you are 37 weeks and round, its nearly impossible. But just like always we figure it out.

At the end Peeta asks me if having sex this late into pregnancy is okay. I sure hope so.

That's when I feel it again. The pain. I've been having back pain all week, but my mother says that its normal, its just my body preparing for labor. But I am not ready for it. I started to worry when she first explained this to me. I don't want to feel the pain. I've seen my mom deliver babies before, when I was younger, and let me tell you its not pretty.

I stand put my skirt back on. But its when I am helping Peeta to stand on his leg that I feel a sharp pain. It was so sudden that I let go of Peeta and double over. Squeezing my eyes waiting for it to pass while my Peeta calls for my mom. When she arives I beg her to check me. To see if I am in labor.

As she does that, I pray to whatever gods are out there, that I am not going to have this baby today. Because I am not ready. Mentally and physically. I am only 37 weeks. 3 Weeks to short.She tells me to lay on my back and she presses on my stomach and checks down below. Peeta holding my hand and peering over my mothers shoulder. When she has completed she looks from him to me, and says:

"Katniss. Peeta. Its time." She smiles," let's have a baby."

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