Chapter 14: Your Starless Eyes Remain

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When Sex-On-Legs, I mean Mikey, opens his mouth, I'm shocked by the anxiety in his voice.

"Hey Gerard, thank you for coming," Mikey says with a crooked smile.

"Thanks for the hotel. Must've cost a fortune," Gerard hugs his brother.

"Don't worry about it. The band agreed that we'd get you the best since you agreed to do this. I know you said you'd never do it again after the play when you were in... What grade were you in?" Mikey asks. Gerard brushes it off and avoids the question. I'm still seriously confused about everything.

"We have five minutes before the show. You ready?" Mikey asks. I watch Gerard jump up and down for a minute or so and shake himself. Another couple minutes and Mikey guides him onto the stage.

I watch as Gerard waves to the crowd and Mikey grabs a microphone.

"So a lot of you may have noticed that this isn't our usual singer! But he's the best we could get on such short notice!" Mikey shouts.

"Hey! I'm right here," Gerard smiles.

"Anyway! Tonight, my brother Gerard will be singing for us! Lets give him a warm welcome!"

The crowd screams and Gerard laughs.

"Okay so uh this first song is, I think, it's called, what's it called? Oh yeah, Early Sunsets Over Monroeville, right?" He looks over to Mikey who nods.

"Alright. Here we go."

Gerard is actually a really amazing singer. I never would've guessed. They did a full set and I must say, the band sounds cool. I don't know what the actual singer sounds like but I like how they sounded with Gerard. I especially liked how he looked walking off the stage. He was sweaty and he looked so fuckable. Seeing him look so dirty and messy was turning me on beyond belief.

He's walking straight towards me. He grabs my hand and pulls me away from the stage and from everybody. We get into a corner devoid of people. He pushes me against the wall.

"I'm going to take you back to the hotel and I'm going to fuck you so fucking hard you're never gonna wanna move again and fuck I need you right now," he says, slamming his lips to mine hungrily. He pulls back and we sneak out the back door. We run to his car and get inside. The second our seat belts are on and we're out of the parking lot, his hand is on my thigh and he's massaging it.

"I want you so bad right now," he admits. He moves his hand higher up until it's massaging my dick through my pants.

"Gerard... I.." I moan. My pants get tighter and he smirks. Soon enough we get into the hotel parking lot and we're making our way to the elevator. I hear a few people laugh and point at me because of my boner but it's not like it's hanging out of my pants. We get into the elevator and like before it's just us. He throws me against the wall and slips his tongue into my mouth as we go up to our floor. I wrap my legs around his waist and he grinds his hips into me as the bell dings to let us know it's our floor. The door opens and I hear a gasp. I drop my legs down and Gerard breaks the kiss. An older woman is covering her eyes with her hand.

"You two young men should be ashamed of yourselves for loving each other. You've damned each other because of your lust! It's not real! A man can't love a man! Repent for your sins and maybe you'll be forgiven!" She cries as she walks into the elevator and we leave. The doors close behind us and we walk to our room. He unlocks it and we both walk in. The second the door is closed, I'm pressed into it.

"Fuck, what she had to say. Homophobia is gay," I comment. He crashes his lips to mine and slides his tongue in.

"Bedroom," I barely get the chance to say. He lifts my legs around his waist and carries me to the bed. He lays me down and almost rips his shirt off in an attempt to take it off. Once it's off he pulls mine off before kissing me again. He grinds into me again and my breath gets caught in my throat.

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