Chapter 38: Every Star Fall Brought You To Tears

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I think Mikey liked getting the night off from his son for a little bit of time. I know that after a week of taking care of Fletcher, the constant crying and puking and shitting was quite annoying but he was cute and I didn't mind it but it could drive someone crazy. I spent a couple of hours with Fletcher before having to put him to bed because he had fallen asleep and I didn't know how long that peaceful silence would last.

I lay on Gerard's lap as Mikey pours himself some coffee.
"Do you guys want some?" He asks. I shake my head but Gerard accepts a cup. Mikey pushes my feet off the couch and sits beside us. Gerard entwines his fingers with mine and pulls me closer. I lay my head on his shoulder and he kisses my forehead.
"Are you tired?" He asks. I shake my head but my body protests as I nod in and out of sleep. He lifts me up and brings me to his bedroom. He lays me on the bed and wraps his blanket around me.
"I'll be back soon," he tells me. I nod and he leaves, closing the door behind him. I fall asleep before he returns.

I wake up early in the afternoon but well aware that I'm skipping school today and so is Gerard. He's laying on his side, his nose twitching, but still asleep. I touch his cheek and give him a soft kiss before climbing out of bed to go check on Fletcher. He's still sound asleep in his crib and Mikey's still asleep on the couch. I leave the little guy alone, not wanting to disturb anybody else with crying. I walk over to the coffee maker and pour myself a mugful. I start sipping it as Gerard stumbles out of the bedroom, running his hand through his messy and tangled hair. He yawns and wipes his eyes. He walks over to me and takes my cup and starts drinking my coffee. I laugh and pour myself another since he stole my last one. There's only one cup left; the dishes need to be washed. He continues to rub his eye as he drains the mug. He passes it back and I refill it for him.

Fletcher woke up before Mikey, leaving me to change his diaper, seeing as Gerard still needed more coffee to deal with this bullshit. We wait for Mikey to wake up before we go out for lunch, seeing as Gerard has not a fucking thing in his fridge or his cupboards.

We arrive at a local diner and order some food. I'm starving and it's making me irritable.
"After this, I'm gonna have to go. I planned to go on a date with this guy I met at a single parents meeting and I don't want to be late. We're gonna go to the movies with our sons," Mikey says.
"What's his name?" Gerard asks.
"Pete," Mikey replies. It turns into more of an interrogation than anything else and Gerard goes into defensive brother mode, asking about Pete's job, age, life and anything else whether it be relevant or not.

After lunch, Mikey leaves, taking Fletcher with him. Gerard and I sit and watch a variety of classic horror films for a few hours. Spending the rest of the day together, enjoying the time.

After the fourth movie, I head out into the cold, frigid November night and breathe in the crisp air. I pull out a cigarette and attempt to light it. My lighter must've run out of fluid because its just not working. I shake it and try again but it remains the same. I sit down on the steps and sigh. I look up at the stars and watch as the clouds pass by, covering the moon and disappearing from my sight. I just suddenly feel so insignificant. A few tears fall from my eyes and I bury my face in my palms as I cry. I hear the ground crunch as someone walks beside me.
"Last birthday gift," Gerard says, he hands me a lighter with skulls on it. I grab it from him and smile as a thank you. I pull out a cigarette and light it, taking a drag immediately with a shaky exhale.
"Were you crying?" He asks. I wipe the tears away.
"No," I lie.
"What's wrong?" He presses on.
"Just thinking a little too much. My mom used to say that each star in the sky was a part of our soul, drifting through the universe, dead but so full of light, which got me thinking about how irrelevant I am. In twenty years, it won't even matter that you were my teacher. Everyone will have forgotten. Nothing matters and I guess I'm just upset. During the winter, I get kinda depressed but it's no big deal," I explain. Silence falls upon us and I watch the smoke drift into the sky and dissipate into nothingness.

Gerard sits down beside me and fishes out his own pack of cigarettes.
"I knew you were low on lighter fluid because I tried using it earlier and it wouldn't work so I bought you a new one," he explains.
We sit together, smoking until we both put out our cigarettes and head back in. Gerard pulls on my hand and leads me into his bedroom, pushing off my coat and setting his own on the couch. He pulls me over top of him as he lays down on the bed.

He runs his hand through my hair, pulling me closer to him so he can kiss me. His lips are warm and soft, his movements are gentle. His cold hands lift my shirt over my head, momentarily breaking our kiss. Our lips meet again like a car crash, fast and violent. His hand rubbing circles on my back and his thighs rubbing up against mine. I grab the hem of his shirt and tug it over his head, throwing it to the floor. His hands find my pants and push them down. I wriggle out of them, letting them tumble to the floor. I grind up against him, causing him to moan into my mouth, giving me access. I slip my tongue into his mouth, tasting him. He jacks his hips up, letting me feel how he hard he is. I help him out of his pants, wrapping my hand around his dick. He leans his head back, moaning and I move my kisses down his jawline to his neck. I begin to leave a trail of hickeys along his neck and collarbone. I slowly move my hand on him, causing him to thrust into my hand, groaning and biting his lip seductively. I take the opportunity to remove my boxers and line myself up before pushing in. He moans and arches his back. His hands grip into my shoulders as I move in and out of him, harder as I go on. Sweat begins to drip from my forehead onto his chest. I tilt my head up, groaning as he digs his nails into me. My hair becomes a sweaty mess, sticking to my face, preventing me from seeing Gerard as he moans. I attempt to move it out of the way but it falls back into place. He whimpers slightly, causing shocks to run through my dick. I bite my lip, trying to keep a steady rhythm.
"Frank.." He moans, my arms begins to tremble. It doesn't take much longer for me to be come and groan his name as I let the orgasm course through me. I pul out of him and move myself between his knees. I wrap my mouth around his cock and suck him off until he comes. I return the favor by spitting it out onto the floor. I look up at him with a smirk before climbing over him and whispering in his ear.
"Spitters are quitters." He shakes his head and laughs. I lay down beside him, panting. My heart stops racing and Gerard starts talking.
"I used to worry that I was irrelevant and it scared me. The only difference between then and now is that I've learned to accept it. Even if the world doesn't see me, at least I know you do."


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