Chapter 37: Are You Near Me?

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I wake up laying on Gerard, the sun is peering through the window. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and stand up. The candles have mostly all burnt out. It probably wasn't smart to have left them going all night. Whatever. I head towards the bathroom and turn on the water in the shower. I wait for it to heat up a little before I get in. I wet my hair before using the little shampoo samplers provided by the hotel. It smells like apple. I wash my hair and rinse it off.

I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turn my head a little a see Gerard, obviously. He starts kissing my shoulder as he pulls himself closer to me. I turn around in his arms and cup his face. I pull his lips down to mine for a soft kiss which turns into him pushing me up against the shower wall. He lowers himself to his knees in front of me. His hands trace up my thighs before curling around my dick. He slowly begins to move his hand around me and I lean my head back. He switches his hand for his mouth and I moan. He takes me deeper into his mouth and I grab a fistful of his hair. I tug on it gently as I moan. His mouth is warm and wet and I love it. I look down and see him looking up at me with hollowed cheeks and those piercing eyes. I run my hand through my hair and moan. The minutes pass and every time I look at him, shivers run through my spine.
"Gerard!" I groan, coming in his mouth. He spits it out and the shower washes it away.

I turn off the water and he gets out. He throws me a towel and I start to dry myself off. He dries off and leaves the bathroom. I move in front of the mirror and look at myself. I have several really dark purple hickeys on my neck, trailing down my collarbones and on my shoulders. I laugh and shake my head as I leave the bathroom. I walk out to see Gerard pulling on a shirt, his towel fallen to the floor. It gives me a good glance of his ass.
"Mm, all that ass, all for me," I say. He turns around, his cheeks rosy red with embarrassment. I walk over to him and push him onto the bed. I climb over top of him and start kissing up his chest to his lips.
"We should get going though," Gerard protests. I grind hard against him.
"Are you sure?" I ask. He kisses me back as a response. Just to really piss him off, I get off of him and start getting dressed.
"You little tease," he laughs.
"You know it," I smile, shaking my ass in front of him. He gets up and finishes getting dressed. I help him pack and once we're done, I pull on my jacket and my shoes. He turns back.
"No underwear under the bed?" He asks. I get on my knees and check.
"Nope," I reply.
"Well then, let's go."

We leave the hotel behind and head back out on the road. Gerard's exceptionally happy and it makes me wonder what for. He said today would be a surprise, is that why he's beaming?

I speculate for a few minutes as to where we could be going but we don't make any pit stops and we seem to just be heading back home. We get back to his apartment quickly thanks to his insane speeding.

"If we're back here, what's the surprise?" I ask. He smirks but doesn't answer. I get out of the car when he does and he walks over to me. He pulls something out of his pocket and wraps it around my head, a blindfold.
"Can you see anything?" He asks.
"No," I lie. I can see a little bit through the bottom. He grabs onto my arm and ushers me forward, up a couple flights of stairs to his apartment. He opens his door and pushes me in first. He positions me facing the couch and closes the door behind him. He undoes my blindfold but holds it in place.
"Ready?" He asks. I nod. He lets it fall to the ground and when I open my eyes, I see Mikey and Fletcher. I hug Gerard.
"I know you missed the little guy after Mikey took him and I actually had a lot of trouble getting ahold of Mikey but I convinced him to let you see the bugger," Gerard smiles.
"Thank you," I whisper. I raise my hands to my mouth, covering my smile as I walk over to Fletcher.
"May I...?" I ask Mikey. He nods. I pick Fletcher up in my arms.
"How's my little guy?" I say with an odd high pitched voice I reserve for babies and dogs. I look back over at Gerard and see him smiling.

It makes me wonder if we could ever have a future with kids or if all of that is too out of reach. It makes me wonder if anything I'm doing is right.


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