Chapter 39: I've Given It All Away

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I protest to Gerard shoving me awake. It's too fucking early. He picks me up off the bed and I groan, wishing he'd put me down. I don't know where he's carrying me because I have my face buried in his chest, trying not to let any light in. I hear water start running and I'm pushed into a stream of freezing cold water.
"Fuck!" I scream, arching my back in an attempting to get away from the water. He holds me in the shower until the cold water becomes warm.

I get out of the shower and dry myself off. Gerard races out of the bathroom and I chase after him. He hides on the other side of the kitchen table and we dance around the table until I step onto the table and jump on his back. He tries to buck me off without success. He moves over towards the couch and turns around. Shit. He falls on top of me onto the couch.
"Gerard! You're k-killing me," I laugh. I squirm underneath him and he laughs. He gets off of me and helps me up. He leans down and kisses me before slapping my thigh and pulling away.
"We have to go to school now," he says.
"Do we have to?" I protest. He nods.

I get to school and it seems to be endless. By the time lunch is over, I'm stumbling to class angrily and completely not paying any attention to anything. All I can think about is seeing Gerard after this class. When the bell rings, signaling the end of this class, I power walk towards Gerard's class.

I see Brendon walking through the hall and I stop him.
"Hey," I say. He turns and looks at me with a smile.
"I'm sorry I was a dick," he says.
"Don't worry about it. How's Ryan?" I ask.
"Ryan's good and he's pretty cool," Brendon says.
"I know," I smile and walk away. He really is.

I head to Gerard's class before anybody else just to sneak a kiss in. When I get into the classroom, the lights are off and Gerard is looking through a PowerPoint presentation. He sees me and his face brightens. He walks over towards me and gives me a long and gentle kiss. I set my bag on my desk and take a seat as the class pours in. The bell rings and Gerard takes attendance.
"Okay class. Today is the first day of presentations. Who would like to go first?" Gerard asks. A girl in the front row of desks throws her arm in the air and goes in front of the class. Gerard sits beside me while she presents.

I feel his hand on my inner thigh, massaging it, moving closer to my crotch. He gets closer to my dick and he starts rubbing harder. I get a boner and Gerard laughs. He goes back to paying attention to the presentation, leaving me in agony.
Another one of the presentations finishes and Gerard starts clapping, I applaud along with everybody else. Gerard picks the next people to present before undoing my pants and sliding them down just enough so that he can fit his hand in them. He curls his hand around my dick and I fight off a moan. He slowly begins to jack me off and I struggle, biting my lip so hard it starts bleeding. He removes his hand and spits into his hand to ease his movements. Hopefully the kid presenting doesn't pay much attention to his hand or my squirming. He rubs his thumb over my slit and I bite my lip harder. The presentation ends and his hand disappears to clap and grade it. I hiss at the loss of feeling from his hand but soon enough, he picks somebody new and goes back to giving me a hand-job. We're angled just enough so that nobody can see anything, thank God. His hand glides up and down on me and I tilt my head back, a moan escapes my lips and my eyes open wide. Everybody's looking at me but Gerard shushes them, making them return their attention to the kid presenting. I come in his hand, blood filling my mouth from me biting my lip so hard. He stands up and heads towards his desk, getting some tissue paper to clean my little mess from his hands and myself.

After school, I head over to Gerard's for dinner. He makes us some Mac and cheese, seeing as that is all he has left. We finish eating and we sit on the couch, I lay on Gerard's lap.

"I'll make you a deal," Gerard starts. "You help me dye my hair and I'll give you a little something in return."
"Is that something a surprise?" I ask. He nods.
"Deal. What color are you going?"
"White." A little odd but I don't question his choice. He already had everything ready, all I have to do is apply it. Hopefully I don't fuck it up too bad.

When it's applied and we have to wait a good 45 minutes, we sit on his couch, reading through dusty comic books and blasting classic rock music. The time runs out and he heads into the shower to wash away the excess dye. He comes back and I shake my head with a smile. His once black hair is now a bright, white, shoulder-length mop.
"Can you help me cut it?" He asks. I stand up and head towards him.
"How short?"
"Frank Iero short," he replies with a smirk.
"Are you making fun of me?" I ask.
"A little."
"So basically the average guy haircut?" He nods. I get a pair of scissors and head to the bathroom with him. I start hacking away at his hair, watching the white ends fall to the ground like snow. When I'm done, he looks up into the mirror. It makes him look slightly washed out and pale but still attractive as all hell. This guy can pull off pretty much anything, can't he?
"Now let me get your little gift," Gerard says. He disappears into his bedroom and returns with handcuffs and a gag.
"You can do whatever you want to me. I can't stop you," he says. He's trusting me with himself. He's letting me tie him up but I honestly love feeling his hands.
"Maybe later," I whisper.

I pull him into the bedroom and push of my pants. I straddle his waist, taking off my shirt and pulling his over his head. I wriggle him out of his jeans and pull my boxers off. I take off his underwear, slowly letting his dick pop out from inside of them. I position myself over him. I slide his cock inside of me and slowly start to move on him. I lean back a little and moan. His hands gripping my hips as I ride him. He groans and slides his hands down my legs and back up my hips, running up my waist and my chest. His fingers reach my face, feeling around my jawline before meeting my lips. His fingers play on my lower lip, tugging it down slightly before sliding them into my mouth. I suck on his fingers, wetting them and I moan. I tilt my head out of reach and his fingers dangle on my lip before they pull away, spit dripping from them and landing on his chest. His fingers are sticky with my spit as they reappear on my thigh, resting there. He closes his eyes and moans. I rock my hips on him, sweat beading off my skin. He bucks his hips up a little and comes, moaning my name and throwing his head back. He whimpers slightly, his teeth chattering as he digs his nails into my thighs. Watching him orgasm pushes me off the edge and I release on his chest, moaning loudly before climbing off of him and laying beside him. He wipes my come off his chest and he lays on my chest. I stroke his hair and he drifts off to sleep. Is this him giving himself to me? Is this how he shows he's mine and only mine? If this is what I think it is, maybe everything could be okay. It's not like anything matters anyway. We could run away together or move. Nobody will know who he was to me if I'm out of high school. Maybe we could have a normal life.


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