Chapter 35: Let's Get These Teen Hearts Beating

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My phone starts ringing and I panic. I pull it out of my pocket, seeing its Gerard and I pick up.
"Hey," I say.
"Where are you?" He asks.
"Walking down the road. It's nice out," I lie.
"It's fucking cold. You're gonna get sick," he says.
"I'll be okay. Come pick me up?" I ask.
"Where are you?" I don't really even know.
"A few blocks from your place near... Hold on a sec..." I say. I put him on mute, race out of Ryan's house, down the street a little and stop by a convenience store to catch my breath. I turn him off mute.
"So the convenience store guy said it was at the corner of Blair and Prince," I tell him.
"You're lucky I know where that is," he laughs and hangs up. I'm such a dick.

He pulls up into the parking lot and I get into the passenger side of his car. He drives us to his place and we go up into his apartment.
I head for the couch and lay down on it, still cold from the weather. Gerard sets his coat down and sits beside me. I push myself closer to him and lay on his lap. I fall asleep to Gerard stroking my hair and the sound of a shitty comedy show playing in the background.

I wake up and see that it's dark out and Gerard isn't beneath me anymore. I stand up and head towards his bedroom but he's not there either. I don't see him anywhere. The bathroom door isn't closed and nobody's inside and there isn't any place else he could be hiding. Where did he go?

I'm sure he'll be back soon. I go to the kitchen to get something to drink because it tastes like death in my mouth. There's a note on the fridge.
"Went out to get something. I'll be back soon.
Well at least now I don't have to worry about it. I grab some orange juice and pour it into a glass from the cupboard near the fridge. I sit back down on the couch as fish my phone out of my pocket. I missed a few calls but none of them are from Gerard. Only one voicemail was left and it was Ryan.

"Hey, Frank. You're probably with him but I need to talk to you. I just have a quick question," he left on my voicemail. I call him back.
"Frank?" He picks up.
"Yeah. What's up?" I ask.
"Brendon asked me out," he replies.
"That's great! So are you dating now?"
"I told him I wanted to think about it."
"Just go for it," I encourage.
"I just didn't know what to say because of well... Us," he says. Oh.
"Fuck us, go after him."
"You know this means we can't fuck, right?"
"Yes, Ryan. I know. Now go get him," I laugh.
"Okay. I'm gonna call him. Thanks. Bye," he hangs up.

I turn on the TV and wait for Gerard to get home. He shouldn't be gone all night, should he?

Not long after, I finally hear his key in the lock as he opens the door.
"I missed you," I say as he sets the bag on the counter.
"I missed you too," he replies. He starts walking towards me. I stand up and move towards him. I wrap my arms around his neck. I kiss him and he lifts my legs around his waist. He carries me into his bedroom, his lips never leaving mine until he sets me on the bed and pulls his shirt over his head. I pull mine off and he slides my pants down. I try to kick his off and with his help I succeed. He shimmies off my boxers and slides his down. He looks down and pushes himself into me, letting his mouth fall open as he tilts his head back. He moves his hips, pulling out and pushing back in, as he grinds his teeth. I lean my head back and grip the sheets.
"Gerard.. I'm sorry," I whisper. I place my hands on his shoulders, pulling him closer to me. I bite his lower lip, sucking on it before he responds and kisses me. He struggles to keep his mouth closed and I do too but the hunger in our kisses doesn't deteriorate. My heart starts racing and I begin panting slightly. I dig my nails into his back as he slams in harder than before, causing me to moan his name. Moments later, he releases, groaning and closing his eyes. A little drop of spit falls from his mouth as the orgasm rocks his body and he's unable to close his mouth. He opens his eyes again and moves off of the bed, he grabs me by the hips and pulls me towards the edge. He sinks to his knees and takes me in his mouth. I sit up and moan as he runs his tongue over me. I feel his teeth graze against my dick and I can feel myself getting closer. I put my hands in his hair, pushing him off of me. I come on his face and fall back onto the bed as he disappears to most likely go wipe it off. This is very familiar, just not with him. He returns with a clean face and clean boxers on. He lays down beside me.

"Are you ready to go on the road trip tomorrow?" He asks. Not really.
"Yeah, of course."
"What did you go out to get?" I ask.
"I had to get... Um... Well... A couple days ago I ran out of my pills and I needed to get them refilled," he explains. I didn't know he was on medication.
"Wasn't the pharmacy closed?"
"It's not as late as it looks, you know. It's only like 7," he laughs.
"Oh yeah."
"I'm sorry I wasn't myself these past few days.. It'll take a couple days to kick in... I didn't realize I was so low until I was completely out."


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