Chapter 52: These Words Are Knives That Often Leave Scars

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We're a week back into school. We didn't do much for New Year's. We watched the ball drop and we kissed and that was about it. It was a pain to go back to school but it brings me one step closer to graduation. It was hard at first having to get back on a routine and trying to filter what I was saying. It's been tough trying to keep my mouth from saying the wrong thing at the wrong time. If I slip up, it could end badly. Gerard's been having trouble too but nobody really pays much attention to what the teachers say so he could say that he wants to fuck me after class and I think I'd be the only one paying attention to those sweet lips as they move. His body is a work of art and I stand by this notion because I could watch it move all day and never get bored and he's just simply marvelous. It's gonna be weird next semester because he won't technically be my teacher anymore. Once I'm done psychology with him this semester, I don't have him ever again, at least not for school board type educational purposes. His class isn't actually that bad.. Too bad it took me til the end of my high school career to figure that out. It's actually quite interesting.

"So for the next few days, it's going to be review time so I'm going to write what you'll need for the exam. Everything you need has been taught to you so it shouldn't be too hard. If you have any questions, come talk to me. If you want some help, I'm available at lunch tomorrow or during the next week. It'll be sad to see you all graduate this summer," Gerard says, his voice actually shaking. "I've grown to know some of you pretty well over the past couple of years."

"We'll come back and visit," a girl in the front row says. Most likely, she probably won't. This town is one of those places most people can't wait to get out of and never return to. It's kinda sad really. The entire class I spend whispering stuff to Gerard as the class studies in silent. I don't even have my textbook or notes with me. When the class ends, I stay sitting by his desk as everyone clears out. It doesn't take long for everyone to leave. The second it's empty, I walk to the door and close it, locking it. I walk back to Gerard's who's still seated in his chair. I straddle him and run my fingers through his hair, pressing my lips to his. His hand runs over my arms as begin untying his tie. He lifts my shirt over my head and lift me up. He sets me on the desk, throwing his books to the ground, clearing a spot for us. He pulls off my pants and kisses my inner thigh before moving back to my lips. His hand grips my thigh, squeezing it as the kiss deepens. I close my eyes as he tilts me back onto the desk. His thumb pressing into my skin as it slides up and down my thigh. His hand rests on my ass, digging into it as his teeth pull on my lip. There's a knock on the door and I pull my pants back on and grab my shirt, slipping it over my head. Gerard fixes the buttons on his shirt before going over to open the door. The girl from the front row who commented earlier walks in.

"Oh? Mr. Way, are you busy?" She asks, her voice soft as she walks closer to him. Her skirt a little too short for the dress code but the perverted principal probably loves jacking off to it.

"I was wondering if I could ask you for some help tonight," she says, balancing on her heels.

"Actually, Ashley, I'm busy tonight. I promised Frank I'd help him with his biology homework," Gerard says, adjusting his tie.

"Oh. Okay," she sighs, clearly disappointed.

"You can see me at lunch tomorrow if you need help," he says, his voice calm and cool.

"Thanks so much, sir," she says, turning on her heels and leaving. I turn to Gerard and he starts laughing. I crack up too and we leave.

"She was totally hitting on you," I say the second I close the car door.

"Too bad I'm way unavailable," he laughs, leaning towards me and kissing me before starting the car.


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