Chapter 22: We Are Young And We Don't Care

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I stand up and pick up my boxers, slipping them back on. I grab my shirt and lift it up. There are gashes in the back. What? I touch my hand to my back and feel glass in it. My hand starts shaking.
"G-Gerard..." I mumble. He looks up at me.
"T-the mirror," I stutter. I hear the bed creak as he stands up and walks towards me.
"It's not that bad," he whispers in my ear as his hand touches my back.
"Just take them out," I demand.
"Ready?" He asks. I nod. I feel a sharp shooting pain as he pulls the first one. I feel warmth slide down my skin.
"One down, a few more to do," he instructs. I nod. He pulls out another piece. He continues pulling them out one at a time. After seven, I begin to wonder how many pieces are actually in my back. I didn't think it was that bad.
"I'm... I'm kinda scared to pull this one out. It's really deep in there. You might need stitches," he informs me. Fuck.
"Do you think you could do it?" I ask.
"What? The stitches.... I don't know... I'm not confident with my skills in that area," he replies awkwardly.
"Well you could just drop me at the hospital I guess," I offer.
"I could call Mikey. It's getting late though. He would know how to do stitches," Gerard says. He begins to pace on the floor and check his watch repeatedly.
"Fuck it," he mutters, pulling out his cellphone.
"Mikey? I know it's late but Frank needs stitches and you know how to do that," I hear Gerard say. I don't hear if Mikey responds or not. Gerard puts his phone away.
"He'll be here soon. He has to pick some stuff up."

I take a seat on the bed which sends shocks through my body as the pain in my ass makes itself known again. I forgot that my ass was torn open. Gerard's slipping on his clothes.
"Who knew angry sex with Gerard fucking Way would be such a hassle," I laugh.
"But you loved it, right?" He smirks. I nod.

It takes Mikey a good half hour to get here. Thank God I wasn't bleeding too bad or I would've probably been dead. He knocks on the door and Gerard opens it.
"What happened?" Mikey asks.
"Frank was talking and I pushed him against the mirror there to kiss him and it broke and I didn't notice that it broke till way after," Gerard explains.
"I'm just going to disinfect some stuff," Mikey says and heads to the bathroom. A few minutes later, Mikey calls for me to go into the bathroom.
"It has better lighting," he explains. I nod.
"You could sit on the toilet, it'll be a good height for me to reach and it'll make it less awkward for you," he says. I do as he says. I feel his cold hand on my back before I feel the needle slide into my skin. I wince and try to push the laughter that is forming in my throat away. I feel the thread going through my skin, attaching it to the other piece of skin.
"So why did Gerard say you knew how to do this?" I ask, trying to strike up conversation to put the pain out of mind.
"I was training to be a doctor before I quit and started a band," he informs me.
"What made you stop?"
"I remembered how much I hate hospitals."

He continues sewing my skin back together for a good hour before he sets the needle down on the sink. He runs the water and grabs a towel from behind me. It's a dark blue towel. He wets the towel and runs it over my back. I moan at the feeling of the warm water on the wounds. Soon enough, the feeling of warm water is replaced by cold rubbing alcohol, causing the wounds to sting a ton again.
"You're all done," Mikey says excitedly. I attempt to stand up but I'm too shaky and wobbly to stand up straight. Mikey catches me before I break my head on the sink. He mostly carries me, but I attempt to walk, out to the main room where Gerard is pacing. Mikey helps me sit on the bed.
"He's all stitched up. You might wanna get some food into that boy. We didn't get a chance at the pizzeria but he's gonna pass out if you don't. You can use the room service and put it on my bill," Mikey instructs. Gerard nods.

Mikey leaves and Gerard orders some tomato soup from room service. It arrives in a fancy metal dish with a fancy little spoon. I see my reflection in the tin as I lift the cover off of the soup. Underneath is a red liquid in a white bowl with a gold rim. I plunge the spoon into the soup and slurp it up. Gerard climbs onto the bed behind me after stripping down to only boxers.
"Stop shaking the fucking bed or I'll spill the goddamn soup," I say.
"Sorry," he mumbles. Soon enough, the soup is gone and I feel better, less lightheaded. I carry the tray into the kitchen and set it down. I climb back onto the bed, laying on top of Gerard, my head on his chest. I close my eyes and sleep finds me with ease.

When I wake up, it seems that Gerard hasn't moved and neither have I. He's still fast asleep. I check the time and realize that we're late for school. I begin shaking Gerard. He groans.
"We're late," I inform him. He sits up immediately.
"Fuck," he curses. He pulls his pants on. He picks up his shirt and begins to button it.
"Mikey still has my car," he says. I pull on my clothes as he wraps his tie around his neck and ties it. He checks his phone.
"Fuck. I slept through my alarm. Goddamn," he shouts.
We run outside to see Gerard's car in the parking lot. On the windshield is a note that says 'Your keys are at the reception. You better know my fucking birthday.' Gerard runs towards reception and I stay by his car. He returns, unlocking it and we speed our way to school. He gives my thigh a squeeze before we get out of the car and race inside. I've missed my entire first period, which would've been my spare anyway because it's flip week. Which means that it was Gerard's prep time. Thank God. I head to my second period class and surprisingly I make it on time. I see Brendon sitting in the back and choose to sit beside him.
"Hey," I say, taking a seat. He returns the greeting.
"Can you come to my place tonight and pretend to be Mikey for my mom?" I ask.
"Sure. Still the same place as when we were kids?" I nod. The teacher starts talking and the class has officially started.

Surprisingly, the day has been going by pretty quick and I have Gerard's class immediately after lunch so I head to his class a good thirty minutes early. He's in the middle of a conversation with another one of my teachers, Mrs. McArthur. I wait a few minutes and eventually she leaves. I walk in after her and Gerard looks pretty down.
"What's wrong?" I ask.
"Christine, I mean, Mrs. McArthur just told me that you're failing biology. She wanted to know if I'd be open to tutoring you," he explains.
"Seriously? Why you? Why not her?" I wonder.
"I'm qualified to teach biology and she just had a baby so she was asking me if I could do it."
"So did you say you would?"
"Yeah, I'll be your tutor now. At least we'll be able to be seen in public after school, we have a reason."
"Which means we can actually go on date type things. People just have think it's tutoring. This is perfect!" I shout. I double check that the door is closed. I press my lips to his.
"We don't have to hide as much! We can be seen in public, together."


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