Chapter 25: I Sometimes Stare For Hours

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Gerard pushes me against the wall and starts unbuckling my belt. He slides my pants down and pushes off my underwear as he gets down on his knees. He smirks up at me as he takes me in his mouth. His mouth is hot and wet and oh god it's amazing. He swirls his tongue around my dick and I thrust deep into his mouth with a loud groan. He stands back up and bends me over his desk. He slides his pants down. He thrusts in me and I let out a moan, digging my nails into the mahogany wood of his desk. He moans as he pulls out of me and slams back in. I moan as be speeds up, going faster and harder. I feel him in close proximity to my skin, his hot breath steaming up my back. He thrusts in and out of me, the pleasure growing. The minutes pass and I can feel myself about to climax as I get closer and closer. I try my best to hold off but once he releases, moaning my name, I come with a loud groan.
He pulls his pants back on and I do the same.
"So do you want to go out for some coffee?" He asks me. I nod.
"Bring your biology textbook," he instructs. Ugh.

I head down to my locker and grab all my biology notes and my textbook, shoving them into my backpack and zipping it closed. I meet Gerard out by his car having a smoke. I finish his cigarette for him and we get into his car. We pull off school property, wailing loudly to rock radio.

We get to Starbucks and he buys me a latte and buys himself something while I take a seat. He returns and passes me my drink. On the side it says 'Dickwad'.
"Because that's appropriate for a teacher to call their student," I wink.
"It's appropriate because that's your name, Dickwad Iero," he replies.
"Okay so what have you been doing in biology recently?" He asks, kick starting the tutoring session. We go over basically everything I know and everything I don't know. He tries to explain some things to me but I get easily distracted. I hear conversations from other people and watch the news rather than listen to him. I stare back at him and watch his mouth as he speaks, completely unaware of what he's actually saying.
"Have you always spoken out of the side of your mouth like that?" I ask.
"What?" He answers.
"When you talk, your mouth does this thing where it's only open on like one side," I reply, imitating him.
"Oh, that, I'm just really used to talking with a cigarette in my mouth."
His foot starts rubbing on my thigh and smirking. He looks through my biology textbook for a few minutes.
"Wanna go back to my place?" He asks. I nod. I put all of my stuff back in my bag and check the time. It's 5:30. I text my mom, letting her know that I'm being tutored just so she won't call the cops or something.

We get back to Gerard's and as we open the door to his apartment, we see Mikey on the couch, crying into his palms.
"What's wrong, Mikey?" Gerard asks. Mikey lifts his head, revealing red eyes and tear stained cheeks.
"I got called to go to the hospital," he mumbles.
"What? Why?" Gerard questions.
"This girl I slept with forever ago just went into labor and she was saying that it was my son... They say it's my baby... I'm going to be a dad," Mikey cries.
"She didn't tell you before?" I ask. He shakes his head before burying it in his hands.
"Maybe it's just an act to get your money. Once the baby's born, get it checked," I offer.
"I just don't know what to do right now... Do I go to the hospital? What do I do? I'm scared."
"What does she mean to you?" I ask.
"She was just an experiment. I didn't know something like this would happen. I fucked up."
"When did she call you?" Gerard asks. Mikey takes a few seconds before he sighs.
"About 5 hours ago..." Mikey replies.
"Shit. We have to go now. I'll drive," Gerard says.

We leave his apartment in a hurry and he speeds his way to the hospital. When we get there, all of us are panting from the running from the shitty parking space we took.

Mikey starts talking to the secretary at the main desk and she tells us to wait there. A couple minutes of us all pacing pace before a nurse shows up.
"Mr. Way?" The nurse asks. Both Gerard and Mikey reply before Gerard realizes it's not him that that was directed towards.
"Y-yes... What is it?" Mikey asks.
"There were some... Complications with the birth... Please follow me."


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