Chapter 41: Just Hold Me And Tell Me That I'm Everything You Need

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I crawl into bed beside Gerard and once I finally get comfortable in bed, of course my fucking phone starts ringing. I answer the damn thing before getting the chance to see who it is.
"Frankie?" My mom says, her voice soft and surprised. Fuck. I was avoiding her because every time I think about her, I see Gerard on her lips and it causes jealousy to course through me as well as disgust. 
"Hey mom," I reply, hiding my swelling anger surprisingly well.
"Are you coming over for thanksgiving next week?" She asks, clicking her tongue against her teeth, the sound echoing through the phone.
"Great! Could you bring Gerard?" I turn to Gerard, knowing full well why she wants him to be there. I fight the urge to just bark a no at her but I decide against it. I'll ask him and see what he says.
"I'll ask him, one second," I say. I put my phone on mute and shake him until he looks up at me.

"Do you want to spend thanksgiving with my mom?" I ask him, kinda hoping he'd say no. Instead, he nods and I turn mute off.
"He'll come," I tell my mom, trying to hide my disappointment.
"Great! See you then," she says, her smile heard across the phone and I hang up. I lay down on Gerard's chest with a sigh. He wraps his arm around me and kisses my foreheard gently.  I know why she wants to see him. He starts rubbing my arm and I fall asleep.

I wake up to the sound of a blaring alarm. I pull myself out of bed as much as I really didn't want to. I look around for some decent smelling clothes to wear and put them on. I continue getting ready for school, finding Gerard in the kitchen drinking coffee. There are two days left to the weekend and then I'll get to sleep in and stop worrying about setting an alarm before bed. I grab my jacket and put on my skeleton gloves. Gerard locks his apartment behind us and we head down to his volkswagen. The second we're on the road, I turn on the radio and start wailing to the rock music blaring through his stereo. He drives exceptionally fast, shoving a bagel down his throat, washing it down with coffee. We left a little late and it's as though it matters a whole lot.

I stumble into my first class and I give half the effort I should have into it but I can't seem to do it. Of course I get a fuck ton of homework, just because I actually have somebody to do and I obviously have better things to do. I try to get as much of it as I can done in class but there's too much so I decide I'll do it during my free period and then I'll have my lunch to spend with Gerard. 

The more of it I do, the more impossible it seems. The lunch bell rings and I still haven't even finished. I will have to also spend my lunch working on this shit. Which sucks but hopefully, I can get it done and have the night with Gerard. I'm stuck wasting my free time doing shitty homework instead of fucking or getting fucked. Which isn't the worst thing that could possibly happen, I suppose.

I know that once I get to Gerard's class he'll ask me where the fuck I was but at least I have a valid-ish reason. The only problem is by the time I have to get to his class, I'm still nowhere near done. Looks like Mr. Way and I need another study date.

I arrive to his class a couple minutes early to give him a kiss. I run my fingers through his tousled hair and give it a slight tug. His hair is honestly such a turn on and all it does is grow on his fucking head. It isn't even something he has that much control on but damn it's sexy. It's even better when it's damp with sweat and his mouth is open and- oh God I cannot get a boner before class. I need to stop thinking.
"Why didn't you stop by?" He asks, his voice snapping me back into reality, away from my thoughts of his skin and his moans...
"I'm up to my balls in homework... I'm still not done. What do you say we have a date after school? Some studying, some... Other things," I reply with a wink. He nods. I give him another kiss, gently tugging on his lower lip as I pull away, feeling the moan growing the back of my throat. I clear my throat and head to my desk. The door opens and the room fills itself.

The lesson he's teaching us is boring as shit and I can only allow myself to half pay attention or I'd definitely have fallen asleep by now. It's almost agonizing having to sit through it. The only thing keeping me going is when he turns to the board, I get to see his ass. I start tapping my fingers on the desk and the ring makes a loud clang causing everybody to look at me. I open my eyes wide and smile like a psychopath and they all look away. Gerard winks at me and goes back to explaining whatever it is we are learning about. I can't wait to get out of here. I watch the clock as it counts down. Only five minute left. Come on. Butterflies form in my stomach with excitement to get the fuck out of here.
"You can all leave the class early, just don't leave school property until after the bell, please," he says. Everybody clears out and I get a couple minutes alone with him. I walk over to him and grab his tie in my hands.
"So Mr. Way, do I need to get a ride to your place or can I focus more on riding you at your place?" I ask, attempting to flirt with him. I pull on his tie, pulling him down to me so I can kiss him. I slide my hand up his tie and I cup his face. The bell rings and we leave.

We get to Gerard's and I immediately start working on my homework. The faster I get it done the faster I can do Gerard. Gerard comes up behind me and starts rubbing my shoulders.
"How much more do you have to do?" He asks, nibbling at my ear.
"I have like 3 questions left," I reply.
"Good. I'm going to fuck you so hard after. I'm gonna make you wanna touch yourself so bad. You're gonna be screaming my name and clawing at my back and closing your eyes and biting your lip so hard you'll be bleeding," Gerard whispers in my ear. I feel my pants tighten with every word he says. I rush to answer the questions and I shove it all in my bag. Gerard immediately pushes me onto my table and climbs over me, pulling my shirt off. His mouth is on mine and his kisses are sloppy due to the fact that he's trying to take off all of my clothes and all of his own as fast as he can. Once we're both completely naked, our kisses become less sloppy. He moves down, kissing my neck, then my collarbone, down my chest, passing my stomach and nipping at my hips. He moves back up, kissing me again before positioning himself and pushing into me. I moan, tilting my head back. Gerard starts kissing my neck some more and sucking. I feel his teeth a little and I groan. He moves effortlessly in and out of me, finding a rhythm and keeping it that way.
"F-fuck," I moan, screwing my eyes shut. My encouragement makes him speed up and I can feel the table shaking beneath me. I wrap my arms around his neck and groan.
"Frank!" Gerard moans, throwing his head back and letting his mouth fall open as he pushes into me. He starts going harder and I swear the table is going to break. Gerard thrusts in, his body pulsating and shaking a little as he comes.

I hear a crack and the table breaks underneath us. I'm already too close for it to matter and I come all over myself. Gerard helps me up and I pull my pants back on.
"Looks like I'm gonna need to buy a new one," he laughs.
"We got some good use out of it," I say. He laughs.

His phone starts ringing and he answers it.
"Yeah. Nice! Sounds great. Frank's mom's place. Do you want me to put you on speaker?" He says into the phone. He clicks on his speaker and I hear Mikey's voice fill the room.
"Do you think it would be cool if Pete and I crashed your thanksgiving with our kids?" Mikey asks.
"Sure. I'll let my mom know. My mom can suck my dick if she doesn't want you there because you're coming no matter what," I reply, a little too enthusiastically.
"Sweet! I've gotta go now, Fletcher's crying. Bye," Mikey says and hangs up.

Gerard walks into the kitchen and starts rummaging through a cupboard.  He pulls out a bottle of wine, holding it in the air.
"Time to go celebrate a little," he says. He tugs on my hand and we leave his apartment.
Gerard drives us to this hill with a house on a cliff that overlooks the whole city. There's a foreclosure sign on the lawn and the house's wrap around porch needs a new paint job. Gerard parks in front of the house and heads for the grassy area beside it. I watch him as he lays out a blanket on the ground and calls me over. I sit down beside him and look at the city. Everything seems so far away. Everything seems so out of touch. He uncorks the bottle and takes a big drink of it. He passes the bottle to me and I imitate what he did. The sun is barely peaking over the horizon as it sets, the sky remains a pink and blue color. Gerard pulls me into him, taking a swig of the bottle. He plants a kiss on my cheek and we remain silent until the sun disappears and the stars shine through the night sky. I lay back on the blanket after guzzling some wine. The stars feel like they're closing in on me, almost as though they're falling. There are so many stars up there. Gerard lays back with me and laces his fingers between mine. He turns to me, pushes my hair off my forehead gently and kisses my forehead.
"You're kinda perfect, you know."


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