Chapter 50: All I Want For Christmas Is You

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I wake up the next morning to the smell of coffee. Gerard is already up and has already bought us some. I sit up and he walks over and passes me a cup.

"I'm feeling fine today so I'm gonna go forward with the concert tonight. There's only three more and then it's Christmas, which is when their actual lead singer will be back," Gerard says, his voice sounding pretty monotone. I nod and take a sip of the coffee. I wipe the sleep from my eyes and stretch. I stand up and pull on some clothes, setting my coffee down on the counter. I grab my jacket, my cigarettes and my lighter before heading outside. I head out for a smoke and to admire the surroundings that differ from what I'm used to. The sun is hidden behind gray and white clouds. Snow sticks to the ground, ice hidden beneath. I watch my breath tangle in the cigarette smoke as it flies to the sky. My fingers start to feel the nip of winter and I reach into my pocket to pull out my gloves. My fingers graze the bottom of the pocket with nothing to show for it. They're not there.

"Looking for these," a man's voice asks, purring the words. I turn around and see Gerard holding the gloves out for me with a devilish smirk plastered on his alabaster skin.

"Are you okay?" I ask, taking the gloves and sliding them on, the cigarette dangling from my teeth.

"I'm fine. Why do you ask?" He replies, raising an eyebrow.

"You look oddly pale today," I shrug, rolling my lips into my mouth.

"I'm just hungry," he mumbles, burying his fists in his pockets.

"You know, I sometimes forget you're my student," he says out of the blue.

"I often forget you're my teacher. It feels odd to think of you that way which is weird because that's the actual truth." He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me into him. He takes the cigarette from my mouth and takes a drag. I put the cigarette out under my heel and Gerard and I head back inside.

"Just let me grab my keys and we can head to the venue, gotta do sound check," he says, leaving me in the hallway. I nod and he goes into the hotel room for only about ten seconds before he's back and we're heading to the arena for sound check.


The concert was amazing, as usual. Gerard was looking especially attractive singing and jumping around on the stage. He looked more natural on the stage than he ever did teaching. It's like that's where he's supposed to be.


He gets off of the stage and carries me up to the hotel above the venue, leading us into the room. He slams the door closed and looks at me, his eyes dark and daunting. He takes off his coat and let's it fall to the ground. Sweat gleaming off his skin. He approaches me with a demonic grin on his face, causing my stomach to clench with small amounts of fear. He pushes me up against the wall, hunger and passion in his eyes. His lips meet mine, melting any fear that was inside me. His fingers dance across my skin as they move up my chest, below my shirt, removing the shirt from my body. His hands are warm against my skin as they touch all of the exposed flesh. His lips lower to my collarbone and leave little love bites along the skin, lowering down my chest. His mouth meets my nipple and he flicks his tongue over it. I arch my back and hiss in response. His lips move down further until they're just above my waistband. He slides my pants off my hips, leaving my legs bare. Gerard stands up and pulls me into him. His lips meet mine again and he buries his fingers in my hair, tangling with the brown strands. He lifts my legs around his waist and his hands lower to my thighs to support me. He carries me to the bed and lays me down. I wrap my hand around his cheek as he slips his tongue into my mouth. My thighs rub up against his waist as he lowers his body closer to mine so we're pressed together. His body heat is radiating and I feel my heart start racing. I enjoy the enthusiasm he has after the concert. There's so much lust and heat. I feel how hard he is as he rubs against me, causing a low moan to escape my lips. His hands play with the waistband on my boxers before slipping them off. I feel his palm run up my side, moving from my hip to my waist. His fingers meet my lips, playing with my lower lip. As he pulls away, he slips his fingers into my mouth, coating them in spit. He lowers them back down and his lips meet mine again. I feel his middle finger slip into me and I moan into his mouth. He takes that as encouragement as he moves his finger in and out of me before adding a second one. I tilt my head out of reach of Gerard's lips and they trail down my neck. I feel his hot breath creep on my skin before he pulls himself off of me. His fingers leave my body and they're soon replaced with his dick, after he removes his pants. I dig my palms into the sheets and arch my back. He starts to move in and out of me with a more rapid speed as I screw my eyes closed and let my mouth fall open, moans and curses tumbling from my lips until they tremble. Gerard's fingers dig into my hips as he thrusts in and out of me. The minutes pass by and the headboard of the bed starts banging loudly against the wall as the bed shakes but Gerard and my own groans are far louder than that. Any moment now and I won't be able to hold off any longer. Gerard's grip around my hip tightens increasingly up until he throws his head back and releases. His grip then loosens and moves to my cock where he slowly starts stroking it until I come in his hand with a shaky moan. He wipes it off on the sheet and lays down beside me with a laugh. He pulls the sheets over him and turns off the light. It doesn't take long for either of us to fall asleep


We get up the next morning and head down to Rockefeller centre where the huge Christmas tree is and wow it is huge!

"Okay, look, I know that we won't be back for Christmas so we won't be able to pug up a tree but I thought we could see this one and maybe it could make up for it. It's about all we can do," Gerard says, his eyes trained on the snow covered ground as he balances on his heels, his fists in his pants. He seems nervous but I don't know why.

"It's perfect," I reply, moving closer to him. I touch his cheek with my hands, the gloves grazing against his skin. I stand on the tips of my toes and kiss his nose. He looks up at me and smiles before his finger touches my chin, angling my lips perfectly for him to kiss me. The snow falls around us, some resting on our faces and melting quickly. He pulls away and laughs.

"I thought your hat was black but it seems I was wrong," he says.

"Snow does that to dark clothing," I reply, knowing exactly what he was talking about. He throws his arm over my shoulder and walks me to the skating rink.

"I don't skate," I say, trying to stop him.

"Please," he begs, pulling me into him even tighter.

"No," I stand firm on my decision.

"Oh come on!" He pleads.


"Don't make me get down on my knees and beg."

"I thought you liked it on your knees," I say with a smirk.

"That does it," he says, he let's go of my shoulder to pick me up and throw me over his shoulder.

"Put me down!" I shout, slapping his back as he runs towards the skating rink. He sets me down near the skate borrowing area and I sit with my arms crossed, showing my protest.

He goes up to the counter and gets two pairs. He comes back and descends onto his knees, undoing my shoe laces and removing them from my feet. He slides the skate on and starts tying it up. I don't stop him but I'm not looking forward to this. He does the same for my other foot before sitting beside me and doing up his own. He grabs my wrist and urges me to stand. I almost fall in an attempt to walk due to the skates. We get to the ice and he takes off his guards, helping me with mine. He holds onto me as we get onto the ice. My legs are slipping and sliding all over the place.

"Don't fucking let me go. I fucking suck," I say, growling the words.

"Oh, sugar, you suck so well," he purrs, a smirk present on his lips as he leans his head back and laughs.

We kinda just walk on the ice for a bit, me slipping around, Gerard gliding effortlessly.

"I'm gonna let you go now, you can do it. I believe in you," Gerard says, loosening his grip before skating away. I keep my balance for little over a second before falling on my ass.

"Gerard, you dick!" I shout, trying to get up but failing and sliding back onto my butt. He helps me up and kisses my cheek. I try to slap him on the arm but I fall back again. He helps me back to my feet but he won't stop laughing.

"This is not a good Christmas gift," I mumble under my breath.

"This isn't a gift. This is just for fun. I have better things for you for Christmas," he says, his hands wrapping around my wrists to hold me up.

"Gerard... I'm sorry I can't get you anything for Christmas. I wish I could but I've got no money and I'm not very creative," I say, my head hanging in shame as his grip tightens around my wrist, forcing me to look up. I look into his eyes and his voice is raspy as he speaks.

"Babe, all I want for Christmas is you."


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