❦Chapter 3❦

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- Next Day -

I look up hearing the sounds of approaching footsteps and watched as the new kid, Sam, sits down on the bench near me. "Hello-" I started but was instantly cut off. "Why do you do it?" Sam asked as he stared at me.

"Why do you do what you do? Ruin people's happiness, act all tough and bad boy-ish? Why?" He asked again and I look at him a little shocked. "You've heard?" I sighed, referring to the lies people like to spread.

"I have." He nodded, frowning. "Well it's not true-" "Stop lying." He said again, glaring at me. "I was simply sitting out here when you come and begin accusing me. Reminding me of the life I'm living. I'm living in a pool of lies. But let me ask you this Sam. Have you experienced me performing any of those assumptions?" I spoke up, looking over at him.

Sam's the new student. I never expected him to be like the rest. But I should've. I shouldn't have gotten my hopes up, knowing it'll get me back down again. "Don't judge by appearances Sam. Let alone what you've heard." I said once more before standing up and walking away. Leaving him deep in thought.

I'm not mad. But disappointed. I expected better but now I'm starting to think it's just me. 'You're a rabid animal needed to be caged.' Is what I've once received by a kid's parent. It hurt hearing that. But I let it go by. Like I do with all the other insults.

One would think that by time I'd get used to it all. But I haven't. I'm lonely, insulted, hurt, and accused. I'm accused of something I'm not. A bad boy. A bad person. I'm a kid's worst nightmare. I'm the monster under their bed. But that's in everyone else's eyes.

I simply want a friend. A friend to talk to. A friend to keep me company when I feel alone. But how can that happen if everyone's being lied to? At this point I'm not just ranting. But proving a point.

Proving the point that I'm not truly what people say I am. I just want someone to prove them wrong. I can't do it myself though. The biggest lie comes from the one being accused.

"Okay class today everyone will be paired up into two, and will have a specific task the two need to complete." The teacher, Mr. Abraham, spoke making many groan. I personally do not mind.

"The person to your left will be your assigned partner for the next two sessions. Papers will also be distributed before the exact topics you need to talk about. Good luck all. It'll be graded." He said again before one of the students helped with distributing the papers we'll be using.

I sighed softly, knowing I'll be assigned with Sam. Again, I do not mind but after that confrontation at lunch hour, I'm not looking forward to it. I heard the quiet screeching of the metal chair being slid across the ground before it was pulled over to my desk.

"Hi." Sam spoke softly as he looked at me. "Hey." I sighed lightly and grabbed the paper we'll be writing on. "About lunch hour..." He started but trailed off. I can hear the little guilt in his voice as he spoke.

"It's been done. What you said has been said and you can't take it back." I spoke quietly, for some odd reason feeling.. sad? I'm not exactly sure. But it's what I'm feeling currently.

He sighed and nodded slightly, taking in my words. I was about to begin writing down when I stopped, realizing my issue. "I.. can't write." I said quietly, looking over to him once I noticed his confused expression.

"Why so?" He asked furrowing his eyebrows. "As pathetic as this sounds, I haven't been taught how to do it correctly." I replied, feeling my eyes glossing. This little subject always made me tear up. Because it always reminds me of my mother.

Thankfully he didn't pressure me into speaking on and gently grabbed the pen from my hand, his skin caressing mine. He smiled lightly and began writing the introduction of our project.

I begin walking out of the school, ready to return home to my father, when I was stopped by Sam. I looked at him a little confused but he just sent a little smile. I felt myself soften a little as I looked down at him.

He wasn't as short but I did have to look down a little. "I want to sit with you tomorrow. I-If you don't mind." He said shyly, leaving me stunned. "Why?" I whispered audibly as confusion filled me. No one ever wants to hang around me due to known reasons. Let alone with me.

"I.. felt bad. Bad for accusing you and believing the rest. I thought of what you said and you're right. I shouldn't judge so easily. So can you give me a chance?" He said in pure guilt as he sighed lightly. "Sure, I guess." I replied slowly, still stunned.

This is the nicest anyone has ever been to me. I might be falling into a trap of some sort but I'm taking my chances. "Thanks! I'll see you tomorrow Colby." He said a little cheerily and waved me goodbye.

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now