❦Chapter 18❦

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"What the hell do you think you're doing with my son?"

Sam quickly gets off of me and I sit up in slight fear. "H-Hello Mr. G-Golbach." I spoke politely, trying to hold back my stutter as he and his wife walk into the house. "Who are you?" He demanded, anger evident in his voice.

"His name his Colby, father. And he's my boyfriend." Sam spoke up for me as he stood in front of me a little. Mrs. Golbach seemed shocked but nothing more. "Son, I accept you and love you more than anything but you can't be with such a person." Mr. Golbach said sternly, placing a hand on his son's shoulder and making my heart drop.

"Father he's not as he seems! He's a nice person and is the exact opposite of what people think of him!" Sam tried reasoning but his father wasn't convinced. "I don't want you anywhere near my son-" Mr. Golbach started but was cut off by his wife.

"John he cant be as bad as everyone says he is. They're just kids." Mrs. Golbach said softly. I wrapped my arms around Sam, keeping him close to me. I can't lose him. Not like this.

"No! I will not leave my son be with a disappointment! If I ever see you near my son again I will press charges!" Mr. Golbach yelled, my heart breaking in the process. "John!" His wife gasped as she looked at him in shock and anger.

"H-He's right Sam. You deserve to be with someone who is good enough for you. I'm not." I uttered out, my heart hurting as I say these words. "I'm sorry Sam." I whispered before running out the house leaving Sam in tears.

He deserves better. I'm just holding him back from having a good life with someone successful. All I am is a liar. A filthy liar.

I lay on my bed, staring at the ceiling as tears slipped down my cheeks. This is the first time I've cried in quite a while. But I can't hold it back anymore. One way or another it was going to happen. I was going to be alone again.

I should've stayed away. I should've stayed away from him. But I couldn't. I loved him too much to do so. And now I'm broken. Everything had clashed down on me like waves on a rock. It hurts. It hurts so much.

He made me happy. Truly happy. He made me feel loved, believed me, helped me in my toughest times. But now. I need him with me. But he's gone.

Tears were now streaming down my face as struggled sobs escape me. Once you fall in love, expect a heartbreak. There's no doubt you won't receive one. It might come in many ways. But you'll still receive it.

I've now lost my source of happiness. My source of love. My source of safety. I've lost it all. Leaving me with nothing but a broken heart.

They say life is hard. But not as hard as mine.

I've been hated on, spat on, insulted, heart broken, and accused. Accused of something I'm not which cost me the love of my life. The one person who could've proved everyone wrong and made me feel loved.

But now I lost it all..

But losing Sam was even worse..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

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