❦Chapter 19❦

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- A Week Later -

It's been hard without him. I've constantly been avoiding him in school and ignoring him when he does catch up to me. As much guilt fills me for doing this, I didn't want to get him in trouble.

I haven't been sleeping well, nor eating. I just never have the appetite anymore. Once a piece of me left me, I haven't been coping well nor feeling myself. I miss him more than anything. I want to convince his father. But he won't approve.

I'm lonely and tired. But I want to lay nowhere but in Sam's arms. He's changed me in lots of ways. He made me feel hope, happiness and pure love. But life had to ruin this for us. For me.

By time, Sam had given up on trying. Which hurt me most of all. He gave up on me. But it's partially my fault. I've pushed him away. But only to keep him safe. Then again, I wanted him to move on. I just never thought it'd be so fast.

I still love him dearly and I'm sure I will continue to but I don't know how long I can keep up with the pain and sorrow that all crashed down on me. Sam is like an angel. An angel coming down to earth to put people on the right path and make them happy.

Sam's my angel. He saved me. He loved me and proved to me that somewhere out there, someone else cares for me. He made me happy. Genuinely happy. The smile plastered on my face everytime I saw him was real.

And now that we're forced away from each other, my smile is gone. Sam took it along with my heart.

I decided to stay home today. To calm down and try to think things through. But there's something in the back of my head telling me there's no chance.

Sam's moved on from me. But I don't blame him. It's just a thing that happens. When they enter my life, they're pulled back out. Leaving me with my pitiful thoughts and greaves.

I'm in the same position that I was laying in the day before. On my bed and staring at the ceiling. I'm not depressed. Or not yet at least.

I was snapped out of my thoughts, hearing light knocking at my door. I glanced over, standing up and wiping my tears. I walked over, a little confused, and slowly opened the door.

My eyes widened, seeing the last person I expected to see and began walking backwards. It was Sam. "No. Sam y-you'll get in trouble. P-Please." I whispered as he kept walking towards me.

"You can't keep running away from me. We can't keep doing this." Sam said softly, shaking his head. "I love you too much to let my father ruin this for us. Our love." He whispered, eyes glossing as my back hit the wall.

"N-No y-you're putting both o-of us in trouble Sam. Please. Just g-go." I plead, defeat finally taking over me. But it didn't for Sam. He pinned me back against the wall and leaned in connecting our lips. God how much I missed them. Him.

I kissed back, easily sinking in to the soft touch of his lips on mine. God how much I miss this. The love between us. I miss it so much. But it's wrong.

I pulled back from the kiss, parting out lips, wishing the feeling of them were still on mine. "W-We can't. I-I can't Sam. It's not right." I whispered shaking my head.

"H-He doesn't have to know Colby. No one does. We can keep it a secret." Sam whispered, his lips still inches from mine. I glanced down at him, still against the wall as I admire the beauty I didn't get to see for a whole week.

I kept staring and staring. I mean who couldn't? He's beautiful as he is.

Sam inched forward, connecting our lips once again as they move in perfect sync. The kiss was soft and loving. Slowly but passionate. And I love every single moment of it.

I slithered my hands around his waist, pulling him closer to me as the kiss continues. I never wanted it to end.

It made me feel a little spark in my heart. Like an empty lighter desperate to be lit on. And once the little spark appears, it gives hope. Hope that it'll finally be lit. In my case, hope that Sam will fill the missing piece in my heart..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

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