❦Chapter 14❦

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Back in Sam's room, I sit at his desk with him alongside me, sitting on one of the extra chairs he had nearby. I pulled away, looking down at the paper once Sam stopped the stopwatch.

"It was good. You're getting better." He smiled, making me smile as well. "T-Thank you." I whispered as a little blush creeps up my cheeks. He smiled and nodded, thankfully not spotting the redness of my cheeks.

I now feel flustered whenever I'm around Sam. I feel the need to hold him close to me and keep him safe as well. I don't know why, but I'm starting to question my feelings towards him. Now, it's confirmed that I like him. No doubt.

What if I get hurt though? What if I end up sad and broken-hearted? But no. Sam wouldn't hurt me. I know he wouldn't. But what if he didn't like me back? What if he just saw me as a friend and nothing more?

I felt my smile slowly disappear, the thoughts still filling my mind. "Colby? Are you okay?" Sam suddenly asked, noticing my slight change of mood. "Uhm. Yea I'm fine." I said, clearing my throat and standing up.

"I-I think I should head home now. It's pretty late." I spoke quietly heading to my bag, when a small hand wrapped around my wrist. "Hold up. What's wrong?" Sam asked, keeping me from walking out.

"N-Nothing. I-I just have to get home." I replied, trying to get out of his grasp but he only tightened it. "Colby you're stuttering. I can tell something's wrong so tell me." He said frowning as a sigh escapes my lips.

"I-I can't. I-I'll get hurt. I'll be alone again and-" I rambled but he cut me off. "Colby. I won't leave you nor hurt you. Now please, tell me." He whispered the last part, standing closer to me.

"What's wrong?" He asked softly, looking up at me a little. "I.. I'm in love with someone I know won't love me back." I whispered, feeling the tears building up. Yet I restrained myself from letting them drop.

"Oh.." He said and a sudden wash of disappointment and sadness, formed on his face. "Well um.. you can't truly know without talking to the person." He said again, smiling lightly but I could tell it was fake. I could see the pain in his eyes. The sadness that suddenly filled his eyes. Does he like me too? It can't be though.

"No. You don't get it. Sam, I love you." I blurted, gasping once I realized what I've done. His eyes widened and he looked at me in pure shock. "Colby.." he whispered and I felt my heart shatter a little.

"Y-You don't like me back. I-I knew it." I said, shaking my head as I hurried to the door. "Colby, wait!" Sam called after me as I ran down the stairs and out of the house. I blocked out the calls of my name and kept running. And running. And running.

I knew he wouldn't like me back. Who would like someone as worthless as me? Let alone love? I'm worthless and a no one. I'm irrelevant to all. I knew that. I just wish I believed it instead..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

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