❦Chapter 8❦

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I walk into school receiving the usual stares along with my new hair color, making me feel a little.. insecure. Usually I don't care what others think of my appearance but this is a new change so it's kind of anxiety filling.

I keep my head down and head straight to my locker. "Look at this failure of a son. How could he look as such?" A teacher exclaimed quietly to another teacher as they stare me down.

I sigh and carry on unlocking my locker before swinging it open. I placed in the books I don't currently need and shut it before heading off. It's sadly Monday, meaning I have four more days until the weekend.

I hate how time flys by so quickly. "Colby!" I hear someone call after me, making me slow down a little. I looked back as Sam rushed over, panting lightly. I sighed and looked at him as he breathes heavily.

"Why do you hang out with me Sam? Why me?" I asked, finally needing to know the actual truth of why he hangs out with me. "Because. I want to give you a chance and prove everyone wrong. You're not a bad person Colby. I've seen you and have begun doubting what everyone else has said about you." He replied softly as he stared into my eyes.

"I want to be your friend. I want to learn about the real you. I know there's a soft side to you." He said again, smiling lightly. I felt a tingly feeling rise up in my cheeks as I looked down a little. "Meet me by the front of the school at the end of the day." He said a little too excited.

"W-Why?" I asked in confusion as I glanced at him a little. "I want to take you somewhere." He smiled before walking away. Where would he possibly want to take me? And why did I all of a sudden feel.. tingly around him?

I shook my head and carried on walking.

I exit the school, aka the house of lies, about to head home when I remembered what Sam told me. I sighed and leaned against the wall, looking around for him as I await his presence. Eventually, minutes had past by and he still hadn't shown up.

I sighed and pushed away from the wall before beginning to walk away. I felt a hand slither around my wrist before I was pulled back a little. I looked back a little panicked and realized it was Sam.

"I thought you weren't going to show." I apologized since I felt too impatient to wait. "I was. I got held back by teachers though, sorry." He chuckled lightly and walked by me. "Where are you taking me?" I asked in curiosity.

The cold air instantly hit my wrist once Sam's hand left mine. I shook off the thought and stared far into the distance. "Well, since you're too impatient to wait I'll just tell you." He replied, rolling his eyes playfully.

"There's a specific hang-out area I like going to when I need to think so we're heading there." He explained and I stared at him a little before looking away. "I want to get to know you, Colby. Even if you don't want me to." He said again.

He almost seemed.. intrigued.

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now