❦Chapter 17❦

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We walk into school, back again on another Monday as the daily stares are directed to me. Sam noticed my slight change of mood and interlocked our fingers together. Gasps and whispers erupted from everywhere around us, yet I ignored them.

I was shocked Sam joined our hands together but I appreciated it. I thought he would've wanted us to be a secret but it makes me happy he doesn't. I smile lightly, looking down slightly until we heard a voice call out.

"Hey losers!" Elias called from across us as he walked over with a sly smirk. "Going for a quick fuck?" He laughed. Sam frowned, rolling his eyes as he squeezed my hand for reassurance.

"Leave us alone Elias." Sam spoke quietly yet with a little anger in his voice. "Watch who you're messing with." He growled, nudging Sam's chest. Anger filled me as I glare at the cruel so-called jock.

"Don't touch him." I spoke quietly, trying to maintain myself. Elias smirked and raised an eyebrow before nudging Sam back again, almost causing to him fall. "Don't you touch him!" I snapped and grabbed him, pushing him back harshly.

He accidentally hit a trash can due to the force I put on him, making him growl. "You son of a bitch." He sneered and jolted towards me. Before I realized it, his clenched fist met with my face, causing me to drop down and everyone else to gasp.

"Colby!" Sam yelled in worry as he tried to get to me. Corey and Jake held him back, not wanting him to get hurt. "Awww your boyfriend cares." Elias taunted and stomped on my foot causing me to cry out in pain.

I bit my lip harshly as I try ignoring the pain, focusing on the situation currently going on. "Stop! Please!" Sam yelled again but it seemed like he's crying. Elias leaned down and grabbed the collar of my shirt before pulling me towards him.

"Don't mess with me." He growled and socked me in the face before everything went black.

My eyes weakly flutter open, hearing little sniffles and sobs. My head was pounding and my body ached badly, reminding me of what had previously happened. I groaned and looked over slightly, seeing Sam by my side.

He had tears streaming down his face as he bites his lip. I slowly reach up, wiping his tears as he sniffles lightly. "Y-You can't just d-do that Colby." He sobbed out a little, making my heart break. I never want to hear him cry. It hurts me even more.

Hearing the sadness in his voice as he spoke softly, staring into his glossed eyes as few tears escape. I never want to see him like this. I want to see the smile he always sends when he sees me. I want him to be happy.

"D-Don't cry. Please." I whispered softly, rubbing his hand as he took mine in his. "I'm mad a-at you." He pouted and sniffled making me chuckle a little. "I got beat up for you. And you're mad at me? How cruel can you b-be Samuel?" I chuckled as he glared at me lightly.

I patted my chest gesturing him to lay down, when I realized we were back at Sam's house. "N-No. Y-You're hurt." He mumbled, looking down a little. I gently lifted his chin and smiled.

"Lay with me. Please." I said hopefully making him sigh. He slowly but carefully laid on my chest making a little groan escape my lips. Before he could move away, I wrapped my arms around him keeping him close.

He sniffled and laid his head down, giving up. Soon, we heard the jingles of some keys and the house door was pushed open.

"What the hell do you think you're doing with my son?"


The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now