❦Chapter 30❦

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And a gasp. Sam shot up, coughing rapidly and gasping for air. I shuffled forward, patting his back and removing his hair from his face. My heart broke hearing the painful coughs escaping him. Hearing him hurt.

I pulled him closer to me, never wanting to let go. Sam hugged me tightly as he sobbed into my chest, his cries paining me even more. "I l-love you. I love you." I repeated, clutching him tightly as tears roll down my own cheeks.

I was going to lose him. The love of my life. My fucking everything. I almost lost the person who brought me back to life. The person who loved me for who I am. The person who truly believed in me. The person who brought me the happiness I was lacking for a long, long time.

"Get out of the way!" A voice yelled and camp guides rushed over as they checked on us. Blocking out the lectures Mrs. Fayre screamed out, and the slap Elias and the rest received, I focused on Sam. Just Sam.

Wrapped in towels, I had Sam as close to me as possible not daring to let him out of my sight. He sighed shakily, laying his head on my chest as he clutched my shirt, practically terrified.

The rest of the students who were forcefully brought onto this trip, sent apologetic, guilt-filled and sorrowful looks. They labeled me as a 'hero'. But I don't care. I don't care if I am. I don't care if I'm not. I want to be here for the love of my life. Even if he wasn't there for me in return.

"You saved me." Sam whispered, looking up at me tearily. I just pulled him closer. Not having the words to speak out. I was speechless. But mustered something up. "And I always will. No matter what situation we're in, I'll be there for you. And I'm sorry I failed that the first time." I spoke, looking down a little.

"No. I will not let the love of my life talk about himself like that." He lectured softly, lifting up my chin so I was looking into his eyes. He feels the same.

"You've done so much for me. More than I deserve. Hell you freaking saved my life. But never have you once failed me. Everyone makes mistakes. But being with you. Being in your arms. Might be one of the best mistakes of my life." He spoke again, tears brimming his eyes.

"You're not what people say you are. But better." Sam whispered, connecting our lips as we share the love we've been lacking for a while..


The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

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