❦Chapter 6❦

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I walk through the halls of my school, heading towards my locker. As expected, Sam had ignored me all day. I tried speaking with him but he brushed me off and walked away. It hurt but I knew better than to show it.

I finally reached my locker and began putting in my code, when suddenly I was slammed into it. I grunted in pain and looked over to see Elias, the school's jock. The two other jocks, Damon and Jason, joined in behind their friend as they corner me.

"How does it feel being in this situation now? Huh, punk?" Elias sneered as he walked closer, swiftly grabbing a fistful of my shirt. I look at him bluntly, the bluntness in my eyes hiding the pure fear I'm really feeling.

He slammed me back into the lockers, the locks digging painfully into my clothed flesh. He stayed close to me, glaring daggers into my scull. "How does it feel being the one bullied now? Huh? Finally feeling the pain you cause? Finally feeling the fear you put in others around you?" He taunted, his grip on me tightening.

I hold back a whimper as I stare at him emotionless. Little did I know, that the fear was clear on my face. "Hey! Stop it!" A voice called from behind them as they towered above me a little.

Elias glared at me a little more before scoffing and letting go of my shirt. He looked at me once more before turning around stomping off with his jock friends. I felt little relief in me but my nervousness easily shot back up seeing Sam.

He walked over, seeming.. concerned? I'm not sure but he walked over, eyebrows furrowed a little. "Are you okay?" He asked softly as he pulled me away from the lockers, the pain from the locks clearly being felt now.

"Y-Yea." I whispered audibly and looked down a little. "T-Thank yo-" "Sam. Let's go." A voice said, cutting me off, and I looked past Sam to see Corey and Jake standing there with frowns plastering their faces. Sam glanced at them then back at me before mouthing a quick 'sorry'.

I hung my head low as he walked away, and bent down grabbing my bag. Why does he make this worse for me? The moment he arrived to this school, all I've felt is sad. Usually I avoid my feelings. If I'm feeling cheery, I hide it with my bluntness. If I'm feeling lonely, I hide it with my bluntness. If I'm feeling sad or heartbroken, I hide it. With my bluntness.

Yet when I'm around him, I start feeling these emotions. I start realizing what I'm feeling, and it kills me. Now I feel hurt when he walks away. I feel lonely when he doesn't speak to me. I feel happy when I am around him.

Maybe it's due to the lack of socializing with people I have. Unless it's insults being thrown at me but other than that, I don't interact with- well anyone. I'm basically a lone wolf, just a part of the pack. But I'm irrelevant and can be fine without.

I grabbed my bag and carefully slung the shoulder strap on before heading to the cafeteria. I walked past the jocks, feeling their glares on me as I walked by. I might be a new target of theirs now.

I spotted an empty table at the far end of the cafeteria, and silently walked over. I didn't bother grabbing some lunch and headed straight over. I slowly sat down at the empty table and sighed, placing my hands on my lap.

Thoughts ran through my head, one of them being Sam. He's the only person who has been nice to me. Maybe that's why I keep thinking about him? I don't know honestly but my thoughts were cut off by the quiet slam of a tray on the table.

I looked up, reviving from my daze, and saw.. Sam. I looked at him a little confused and furrowed my eyebrows as he sat down at the table. "Would you mind some company?" He asked softly and I shook my head lightly. Company is the first thing I need right now.

He smiled lightly and swung his legs over the bench before beginning to dig into his food. "I'm not bothered to get any." I replied quietly once he noticed I wasn't eating. "I could get you some, you know." He offered but I shook my head thanking him.

We spent the rest of the lunch hour, learning about each other. Well, Sam asking me questions about myself resulting with me nodding or giving him short answers. I'm not too comfortable talking about my personal life in every detail. Not yet at least.

Is this how it feels to have someone to hang out with? Cause if it is, it's nice. Hopefully it won't return to the usual loneliness after this.

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

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