❦Chapter 21❦

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Fingers running through my lover's soft blond locks, a smile creeps up my face as Sam stirs lightly, cuddling into my side. A soft sigh escaped his beautiful soft lips, hitting against my bare skin exposed to him.

I caressed his hair lightly, removing the few that fell onto his face and tucking it behind his ear. I carresed his cheek, his eyes soon fluttering open and meeting my pale ones.

I smiled lightly and placed a kiss on his forehead, pulling him closer to me. "Morning love." I smiled, watching as his lips turn into a soft smile as well. "Morning." He said softly, closing his eyes lightly and laying his head on my chest.

"I love listening to your soft heartbeat. It soothes me." He whispered making me chuckle lightly. "I'm finally useful for once." I laughed a little making him frown and look up at me.

"You're always useful Colby. Don't doubt yourself. If you want to prove others wrong then you should have faith in yourself first." Sam sighed and I noticed his slight change in mood. "I'm sorry. It's just so hard when everyone had already conficed me otherwise." I whispered, looking up at the ceiling.

It's so blank. Just like how I used to be. Until Sam came around. He changed me; and for the better. He made me feel again. He brought me back to life. I was a ghost. But Sam brought me back alive.

I went from nothing to almost everything. In Sam's eyes at least. But that's all that matters to me. What Sam thinks of me.

I was cut out of my thoughts feeling soft lips pressed against mine as they move softly. I smiled, returning the favor and kissing back. Laying under the sheets, Sam slowly layed down on me, keeping the kiss connected.

He straddled me with his legs on either side of me, and placed a hand on my chest as he deepened the kiss. I lazily wrapped my arms around his waist but Sam had something else in mind.

He grabbed my wrists, pinning them on each side of my head as he reconnected our lips making a chuckle slip from me.

"I love you Colby." Sam whispers as he wraps his arms around me, swaying us a little as we stand in the center of his living room. "I love you even more Sam." I smiled and laid my forehead against his as I sigh softly.

"Cute." A voice suddenly said causing us to pull away. There, in the doorway stood Corey Scherer and Jake Webber, smiling as they walk in shaking their heads. "You guys are adorable." Jake chuckled making me blush a little although I expected insults to be thrown my way. Plus they just showed up.

I looked over at Sam and realized he was blushing too as he hugged me. "What are you guys doing here?" He asked curiously once he pulled away, facing them.

Corey sighed and spoke up first. "We misjudged you Colby. I know it's too late to realize that but we've been blinded by the rumors and lies to notice the truth." He began and Jake nodded as well, leaving us shocked and confused.

"I see the way you bring a smile to Sam's face. You truly make him happy and by the looks of it, we're right. We want to start over. Could you forgive us? As cringey as that sounds?" Jake then said, making us laugh lightly.

I looked down at Sam and he sent me a smile, nodding lightly. "Sure." I smiled, recieving a bigger smile from them both.

"You guys wanna watch a movie?" Sam suddenly spoke up making us laugh and nod, walking away.

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now