❦Chapter 29❦

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"Hey brotherr~" Corey dragged as he and Jake walked over smiling widely. I let out a light chuckle as Sam giggled slightly. It feels nice having them back.

"Hey brotherrs~" Sam dragged out making us burst out laughing. "Isn't it weird?" Jake suddenly asked, calming down with is a little sigh. We looked at him confused, not certain what he was talking about.

"I mean, one moment we don't want anything to do with you and then the second we're back again. I've truly missed this. As shocking as it sounds." He said again, chuckling at the end, making me smile lightly.

I glanced down at Sam, seeming really quiet, and followed his gaze.
"Forget about them." I spoke softly, pulling him closer to me. Jake and Corey looked back, spotting Elias and the jocks, glaring at us.

"I won't let them touch you." I whispered into his hear, making him nod lightly and hug me. I wrapped my arms around him and swayed us lightly. "Aww~" The two other idiots coed making me chuckle and roll my eyes.

It really is good to have them back. We used to have tresurable memories. And now we can make more. Except, this time, I'll be doing it with the love of my life. My source of utter happiness. My precious treasure I hopefully get to keep my whole life.

My everything.

I spotted the blue haired girl in the distance, smiling over at us. She sent a small wave and we sent one back. She smiled and turned around, walking off with a brunette head girl. They were holding hands.

The thing about people in our school, is that they judge. But they never judge who we love. They might be judgmental and accusive people but their wise. They don't mind who we love. For they've experienced it too. It's only hypocritical if they do.

I was snapped out by a gasp and looked over spotting a crowd of students a few feet front. "Let's go!" Sam squealed and grabbed my hand, pulling me in the direction. Pushing through the students, we stop near the cliff, looking off into the distance, seeing the water flowing over and glicening under the sun's rays.

"That's so pretty." Sam whispered out sounding like a little kid experiencing his first rainbow. I chuckled and nodded, smiling as I looked in the direction. Students began retreating, scattering around and leaving Sam and I near the cliff, the lake's sparkling water flowing due to the heavy current.

I walked away from Sam a little, looking for a way to get down there. A little platform of rocks was displayed so I think we can head down there. Snapping my head in the direction, I furrowed my eyebrows hearing yelling and arguing.

I stood up from my crouching position, and my heart practically dropped. It all felt like slow motion. Like time had slowed down.

Running towards Sam, Elias, with full force, pushed Sam backwards. My eyes widened, Sam's foot slipping at the edge of the cliff. "NO!!" I screamed out and bolted, hoping I could reach him in time before he fell.

But it was too late..

Eyes closing tightly, screams escape Sam's lips, absolutely shattering my heart. "Colby no!" Corey yelled but I just went for it. Jumping off the cliff, I glide down to Sam, arms out as I tried to reach for him.

Soon, we hit the water, the current instantly pulling us apart. I look around panicked, not finding Sam anywhere. Taking in a deep breath, I dived down, looking around desperately until I found his lifeless body sinking down slowly.

I kicked behind me, using my hands to push forward, I swim down to him engulfing in my arms as I try pulling him to the surface. Suddenly tugged down, I snap my head down realizing the tall underwater grass had wrapped itself around Sam's legs.

I gasp unintentionally, taking in water. I can't leave him. I would never. Swimming down, I wrap my hands around the grass and ripped it open, setting Sam free. My eyes turned vague as the loss of breath in me increases. But I'm not giving up.

I can't lose him. He's everything I have. I want to live with him forever. I want to get to call mine forever. He's why I'm here. He's why I'm risking my life just to save his. But it's worth it. Even if I end up taking the bullet. It's worth it. For Sam.

Sliding my arms under his armpits, I began kicking upwards, carrying his limp form within my hands. I pushed harder, getting closer to the surface seeing the sunlight shine brightly. I'm almost there. We're almost there.

Rising with a deep gasp, Corey and Jake instantly jump in, swimming over and taking Sam out of my arms. Corey grabbed me, pulling me to the rocks and pulling me up. But all I was thinking about was Sam.

Gasping and coughing out water, cheers and gasps escape from the rest as they crowded all around us. But I could care less. I crawled towards Sam, laying him on his back and removing hair from his face.

Crossing my fingers together, I placed them on his chest and pushed down three times. I leaned into his lips and breathed in. Then again. Three pumps. Lips connecting. Three pumps. Tears in my eyes. Lips connecting..

The Accused Facade | @COLBAEFAN

The Accused Facade | Solby ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now